The Centre for Environmental Law and Climate Change (CELCC) has the vision to educate, equip and raise awareness about environmental legal issues, including justice considerations. It focuses on research on contemporary legal challenges involving the environment and climate change and aims to advocate for environmental protection, conservation, preservation and regeneration. Further, it seeks to enhance law and policy consciousness through collaborative actions involving students, the community and faculty through discussion, exchange of ideas, collaborative learning and research.
CELCC aims to promote theme-based research, learning and dissemination on current challenges and understanding of the same within environmental, natural resources and climate justice laws in existence and attempts to address the gaps within law and policy.
The following themes remain the focus;
The centre’s main goal is to facilitate research, encourage research-related activities at the university. It also aims to contribute to the university’s effort to create an ecosystem for research across the entire campus.
Amongst the above theme-based objectives, CELCC focuses on building an effective network among stakeholders, undertake activities to create sensitivity among students, conduct training and capacity-building programmes, provide consultancy on environmental issues, and create a research oriented interdisciplinary environmental law community.
To achieve these objectives, the CECC will undertake the following activities:
We solicit original and unpublished work on a rolling basis from students, legal practitioners, and academics in environmental law and climate change. Authors must submit only original and unpublished work. If found otherwise, we reserve the right to reject the manuscript. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject or take down the already published manuscript if any discrepancy is found post-acceptance or post-publication. The manuscript can be a short article, case comment, legislative analysis, or notes on contemporary matters on environmental law and climate change. One must make sure to follow the general guidelines given below before submitting their write-up.
Submission requirements
The provided word limits exclude footnotes, end notes, or references.
Please make sure to submit the final version of the write-up. The document should be complete with citations, references, etc. The submitted work is subject to review and approval. One must be open to making amendments at the request of the approval team. The approval process may take 10-15 working days.
Summary of the Article
Authors must attach a summary of the article of not more than150 words. The summary may be mentioned in the manuscript or the body of the submission mail.
General guidelines for the writers
Assessment Criteria
Submissions shall be judged for their originality and critical analysis. Articles must utilize sources to support their independent thoughts and ideas. The arguments presented forward must be backed up by thorough research. Authors must also engage with relevant case law and must have contemporary relevance.
Submission guidelines
Chronicles of Natural Resources Law
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Vacancy for interested faculty Various positions as circulated by the Office of the Research Dean are open:
For students as research assistants (4 vacancies)
CELCC’s Deconstructing Environmental Justice lecture series will be continued by inviting subject experts across through the course of the upcoming semesters.
Journal Publication of Special Issue on Natural Resources Law and Management (Forthcoming December 2024)
Articles in this Scopus listed journal examine and explore various challenges within the legal framework and existing policies in respect of management and governance of natural resources and the intersectionality with various other areas, contextual framework of principles and rights within India and other jurisdictions and related challenges with possible solutions.
Chronicles of NRL Post Series
Chronicles of NRL is a new attempt to encourage research-oriented writing. It is a serial post that highlights learning experiences of the students, their reflections and opinions while exploring the challenges within Natural Resources Law and environmental law in class. Although especially for students, NRL chronicle Post invites short submissions from interested authors -students, faculty or others to express themselves creatively through opinion pieces, poems or even descriptive photography or art apart from short articles that are research based.
Conference Collaboration
The centre is open to collaborate and exchange for interdisciplinary research with other institutions like non-profit organizations, and other academic centres, both national and international.
For any queries or suggestions, feel free to email us at: