
LL.B.; M.B.L. (University of Kerala)

M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

LL.D. (University of Lapland)


Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Sreejith

Professor and Executive Dean, Jindal Global Law School Dean (Strategy and Institution Building), O.P. Jindal Global University

Email sgsreejith@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
Key Expertise International Law, Theory and Philosophy of Law, Air and Space Law

LL.B.; M.B.L. (University of Kerala)

M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

LL.D. (University of Lapland)



Prof. (Dr.) S.G. Sreejith is Professor and Executive Dean, Jindal Global Law School and Dean (Strategy and Institution Building), O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University). He holds LL.D. (with high honours) from the University of Lapland, M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, M.B.L. and LL.B. both from the University of Kerala. Prior to joining JGLS, he worked with reputed institutions like the Arctic Centre, the University of Lapland, National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), and the University of Kerala. He is the author of “Transcending Jurisprudence: A Critique of the Architectonics of International Law” (Lapland: Lapland University Press, 2010). He has also published in journals like Third World Quarterly, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, San Diego International Law Journal, California Western International Law Journal, Indiana International and Comparative Law Review, Journal of Space Law, Journal of Air Law and Commerce, San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review, Air and Space Law, Space Policy, Journal of Law and Social Deviance, Indian Journal of International Law, Journal of the Indian Law Institute, to name few. He sat on the editorial board of the Indian Journal of International Law (Springer). He has also served as special issue editor of Journal of Human Values (Sage) and Jindal Global Law Review (Springer).

Professor Sreejith is the winner of AAAF Brun Award and Medal instituted by the Association Aeronautique ET Astronautique De France. He has been awarded the “CIMO Fellowship” of the Government of Finland (2004) and the research grants of “Ella and Georg Ehnrooth Foundation” (2007), “Finnish Cultural Foundation” (2008), and “Finnish Lawyers’ Association (2009). His areas of interest are public international law, heterodox approaches to international legal thought, and air and space law. He is the Co-Chair of the Evaluation, Assistance and Certification Committee (EAC) and Study Group Chair for Public International Law, International Association of Law Schools (IALS). He was also the CNISCO Overseas Visiting Fellowat the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.

  • Ella Ja Georg Ehrnroothin Säätiö, 2008
  • Suomen Kolttuurirahasto (Finnish Cultural Foundation), 2007
  • Oikeustieteen tutkimussäätiö, 2006
  • CIMO Scholarship, Government of Finland
  • Rector’s Scholarship, University of Lapland (multiple times)

Epistemology of Legal Leftism: An Ontological Critique¸ 55 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 429 (2013).

Co-Editor (with Maria Stoicheva and Indranath Gupta), Future of European Studies in Asia (Singapore: Springer 2024).

Book Review: Sachdeva’s Ark; The Imminent Deluge of Space Crimes, 15 Jindal Global Law Review (2024). Review of G.S. Sachdeva, Crimes in Outer Space: Perspectives from Law and Justice (Springer: Singapore, 2023)

Teaching Ancient Indian Jurisprudence in Our Time: A Heterodox Approach to Orthodoxies, Journal of Human Values1-16(2024)

Epistemologies, Paradigms, and Practices: The Rising Relevance of European Studies in Asia, in Maria Stoicheva, S.G. Sreejith, and Indranath Gupta, Future of European Studies in Asia 1-16(Singapore: Springer, 2024).

The Philosophy of International Aviation Law, 33 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 169 (2023) (with Lakshmi Srinivasan and Vistasp Irani)

Co-Editor (with C. Raj Kumar), Legal Education and Profession During and After COVID-19 (Singapore: Springer, 2022).

The Perils of Plurality: Revisiting the Making of the International Law of the Moon, 46 Journal of Space Law 43 (2022).

Dam Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of India: Situating the Mullaperiyar Dam Dispute, 45 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 129-70(2022).

Recording the Renaissance: Legal Education and Legal Profession During and After COVID-19, in C. Raj Kumar and S.G. Sreejith, Legal Education and Profession During and After COVID-19 3-24 (Singapore: Springer, 2022).

Law and Regulations on Legal Education in India Before, During, and After COVID-19, with a Post-COVID-19 Manifesto, 8 Asian Journal of Legal Education 119-43 (2021).

Imagination of State Sovereignty, Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia 239-240 (Seokwoo Lee ed., 2021).

Co-Guest Editor (with Rajesh Babu), Special Issue: Temporal Pluralities: Alternative Ethics of Law and Society, Journal of Human Values, Volume 26, no.1, 2020.

The Evaluation, Assistance, and Certification Project: The IALS Model Reform in Legal Education, 51St. Mary’s Law Journal 971 (2020). The Many Shades of Temporal Pluralities: Alternative Ethics of Law and Society, 26 Journal of Human Values 7 (2020) (with Rajesh Babu).

The Fallen Envoy: The Rise and Fall of Astronauts in International Space Law, 47 Space Policy 130 (2019).

Book Review: G.S. Sachdeva, Space Commercialization: Prospects, Challenges, and Way Forward (New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2019), 44 Annals of Air and Space Law 569 (2019).

The Dichotomy of Selfhood and Well-being in the Barents: Toward a Redemptive Project, 16 Journal of Law and Social Deviance 1 (2018) (with Kamrul Hossain).

Legality of the Gulf Ban on Qatari Flights: State Sovereignty at Crossroads, 43 Air and Space Law 191 (2018).

Unmaking a National Space Legislation for India: Indigenizing Space Law through the Organic Science of Indian Space Program, 83 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 109 (2018).

Gandhi and International Law: Satyagraha as Universal Justice, in Rajesh Babu and Burra Srinivas eds., Locating India in the Contemporary International Legal Order 9-29 (New Delhi: Springer, 2018).

Co-Guest Editor (with Kamrul Hossain), Special Issue: Arctic Governance and the Asian States, Jindal Global Law Review, Volume 8, Number 1, 2017.

Reframing Arctic Governance and the Asian States, 8 Jindal Global Law Review 1 (2017) (with Kamrul Hossain).

A Revolution in Social and Legal Change: The Kerala-Model Resistance Against Pesticide Overuse through Organic Farming, 26 San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review 53 (2017).

Institutional Cost of International Space Law, 41 Journal of Space Law 57 (2017) (with Yugank Goyal) An Auto-Critique of TWAIL’s Historical Fallacy: Sketching An Alternative Manifesto, 38 Third World Quarterly 1511 (2017)

Vedanta and the Philosophy of International Law: From Human Sociality to Ahuman Reality, 55 Indian Journal of International Law 1 (2015).

Transcending Jurisprudence: A Critique of the Architectonics of International Law(Lapland: Lapland University Press, 2010). 368 pp.

Subjective Environmentalism: The Barents Euro-Arctic Council and Its Climate Change Policy, in Nigel Bankes, Carina Keskitalo, and Timo Koivurova eds., Climate Governance in the Arctic 383-402 (Hanover: Springer-Verlag, 2009)

Whither International Law, Thither Space Law: A Discipline in Transition, 38 California Western International Law Journal 331 (2008).

Public International Law and the WTO: A Reckoning of Legal Positivism and Neoliberalism, 9 San Diego International Law Journal 5 (2007).

Compliance Jurisprudence, 48 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 333 (2006).

International Space Law: A Saga of Mankind’s Lost Aspirations, 2 AALCO Quarterly 1 (2006).

The Pertinent Law for Outer Space Related Intellectual Property Issues: An Odyssey into TRIPs, 45 Indian Journal of International Law 180 (2005).
Email sgsreejith@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise International Law, Theory and Philosophy of Law, Air and Space Law
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