
B.S. (State University of New York, Buffalo)

J.D. (Tulane Law School, Louisiana)


Prof. Daniel H Stein

Assistant Professor

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ORCID ID 0000-0001-6309-1171
Key Expertise Maritime Law, Environmental Law, International Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, International Humanitarian Law, Law of the Sea

B.S. (State University of New York, Buffalo)

J.D. (Tulane Law School, Louisiana)



Daniel Stein is an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School. He received a J.D. from Tulane Law School, with certificates in Admiralty Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution, and is licensed to practice law in the State of Massachusetts. He teaches Law of Torts and Consumer Affairs, Public International Law, and electives on Maritime Law and Private Comparative Law. His research interests are in Maritime Law, International Law, Environmental Law, pacific settlements of international disputes, and ADR methods of negotiation, mediation, and conciliation. He has been a visiting researcher at Freie Universität Berlin and lectured on Maritime Conciliation in Public International Law at the Tulane Law School ADR Summer Program at Humboldt University in Berlin. He has been published on shipbreaking in India, India's submission to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea's Climate Change Advisory Opinion, and on lessons of Climate Change Constitutionalism for India from an American case, which was published in the Jindal Global Law Review.  

Law of Torts and Consumer Affairs

Public International Law

Comparative Maritime Law

Comparative Law in Action

Tulane Tulane Intra-school Moot Court Appellate Competition Runner-Up, 2000

Tulane Center for Environmental Law Journal Comment Prize, 2019

Visiting Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, 2024

Jindal Global Law Review: Held v. State: Environmental Constitutionalism in the US and its Comparison with India, JGLR, Vol 15(1), with Prof. Chhaya Bhardwaj

Lex Portus: India’s Submission to the ITLOS Climate Change Advisory Opinion: A Lost Opportunity, Lex Portus, 10(2), 25–37, with Prof. Chhaya Bhardwaj

National Center for the Law of the Sea Blog: Impact of the ITLOS Climate Change Advisory Opinion on Civil Liability Regimes for Oil Spills https://site.uit.no/nclos/2024/06/20/impact-of-the-itlos-climate-change-advisory-opinion-on-civil-liability-regimes-for-oil-spills/

Indian Blog of International Law: ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change - Brief Overview and Analysis https://allaboutil.wordpress.com/2024/05/23/itlos-advisory-opinion-on-climate-change/

Indian Blog of International Law: ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change - What to Expect https://allaboutil.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/guest-post-itlos-advisory-opinion-on-climate-change/

IndusLens: India Sails to Global Maritime Prominence https://induslens.com/articles/india-sails-to-global-maritime-prominence

Environmental Law Review: Odin ex Black Watch: Environmental shipbreaking frustrated by Indian courts: Black Watch Cruise Ltd. v. Cruise Vessel Odin ex “Black Watch”, Env. Law Rev, Vol 25(I) 59-65

UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy: Human Rights and Wrongs: The Dark Canon of the United States Supreme Court in Environmental Law, with Oliver Houck, 39(2), UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y, 175

Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Comment: Protecting the Arctic Environment from Northwest Passage Shipping in the Era of Climate Change, 32 Tul, Envtl. L.J. 239.

Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Case Note: Sierra Club v. U.S. Department of Interior: Unenforceable Triggers & Conservation Missions, 32 Tul. Envtl. L.J. 129. Publications: Blog Posts
ORCID ID 0000-0001-6309-1171
Key Expertise Maritime Law, Environmental Law, International Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, International Humanitarian Law, Law of the Sea
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