B.Tech (Punjab Engineering College)

M.A. (Pune University)

M.Phil. (University of Delhi)

Ph.D. candidate (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)


Prof. Prashant Gupta

Assistant Professor

Email prashantgupta@jgu.edu.in
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B.Tech (Punjab Engineering College)

M.A. (Pune University)

M.Phil. (University of Delhi)

Ph.D. candidate (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)



Prof. Prashant has nine years’ experience teaching English Literature in Delhi University Colleges. He has also worked in Theatre as an Actor and Director, IT (Software Design), IT (Social Research). Most recently, he also consulted and steered a social engineering firm.

His research examines the interplay of the ‘authentic’ with the universal in social and literary theory. He has researched and written on Bob Dylan – the American singer, songwriter and poet. He has also worked and written on the interplay between Caste and Class, and the history of Labour & Left Politics in India. Prashant also edited and published I4d in 2007-08 – journal dealing with Technology and Development, for CSDMS(Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies, Noida).

His Ph.D. interrogates the development of the Novel, its concerns with social transgression, and its openness to new conceptual categories, including resisting subjectivities; a schematic offering a riposte to the theorizations and claims of the Subaltern School of History and Cultural Post-Colonialism.

Email prashantgupta@jgu.edu.in
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