
LL.B.; M. Phil. (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

LL.M. (Kings College London)

Ph.D. Candidate (King’s College London)


Prof. Felipe Tirado

Assistant Professor

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Key Expertise Socio-legal and comparative studies, judicial independence, transitional justice, and Latin America and Brazil.

LL.B.; M. Phil. (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

LL.M. (Kings College London)

Ph.D. Candidate (King’s College London)



Felipe Tirado is an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) and a PhD Candidate in Law at King’s College London (KCL), where he previously earned an LLM. He earned his LLB and an MPhil in Law from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil.

He is an Associate of King’s College London (AKC), a Fellow of the Higher Education Association—Advance HE (FHEA), and an associated researcher at the King’s Brazil Institute, the ‘Constituições’ Research Centre, and the Centre for Studies on Criminality and Public Security (Crisp). He is also a columnist at ‘Interesse Nacional’ and ‘JOTA’, in Brazil.

Before joining JGLS, Felipe was a Visiting Lecturer, a Graduate Teaching Assistant and an Academic Support Tutor at The Dickson Poon School of Law, and an Academic Skills Tutor at King’s Academy, at KCL. Previously, he was a Graduate Teaching Assistant, and a researcher at the Latin American Transitional Justice Network (RLAJT) and the Study Centre on Transitional Justice (CJT), at UFMG. In addition to his academic roles, he worked as a consultant and researcher for governments, and at NGOs and law firms in Brazil and the United Kingdom.

His research interests include socio-legal and comparative studies, judicial independence, transitional justice, and Latin America and Brazil.

Foundations of Social Sciences I (2024)

Dickson Poon School of Law Postgraduate Research Fund (2023, 2024).

Society for Latin American Studies Postgraduate Research Support Award (2023).

Graduate Student & Early Career Workshop – Law and Society Association (2022).

AKC Dean’s Commendation - King's College London (2019, 2020, 2021).

King’s International Tuition Fees-only Scholarship – Centre for Doctoral Studies (KCL) (2019).

Fellow of AdvanceHE (FHEA) (2024)

Tirado, Felipe, ‘A esperança de um progressivo retorno do Brasil a um Estado Democrático de Direito’, in ‘O Brasil voltou? O interesse nacional e o lugar do país no mundo’ (book), 2024.

Monthly columnist at ‘JOTA’ (Brazil), from April 2023. Previous publications at JOTA include: Tirado, Felipe et al., ‘A Comissão de Anistia no governo Lula’, ‘As lições da impunidade em relação aos crimes do regime autoritário’, ‘Bolsonarismo e violência política: uma questão de responsabilização’, 2023; ‘Flávio Dino no Ministério da Justiça: a pessoa certa, na hora certa’, ‘Justiça de transição: como tratar os atos autoritários do governo Bolsonaro?’, 2022. All available at: https://www.jota.info/autor/felipe-guimaraes-tirado

Monthly columnist at ‘Interesse Nacional’ (Brazil), from January 2023: Tirado, Felipe, ‘Estado, Constituição e defesa da democracia – Pressupostos para o Brasil que podemos vir a ser’ (March), ‘Um necessário acerto de contas com o Estado de Direito’ (February), 2023. Previous publications at Interesse Nacional include: ‘As Eleições de 2022: o contexto atual e o caminho a frente’, ‘É preciso entender melhor como são julgados os casos de corrupção no Brasil’, 2022. All available at: https://interessenacional.com.br/?s=felipe+tirado

Contributor at ‘The Conversation’ (UK): Tirado, Felipe, ‘Five big challenges for Lula’s presidency of Brazil’, ‘Brazil: swift and robust response to the insurrection highlights the strength of democracy’, 2023; ‘Brazil’s iconic football shirt was a symbol of Bolsonaro – here’s how the World Cup is changing that’, ‘Brazilian election: Jair Bolsonaro set to lose but his legacy will be harder to remove’, ‘Brazil election: what I saw on the streets made me cautiously optimistic’, 2022. All available at: https://theconversation.com/profiles/felipe-tirado-1244458/articles

Tirado, Felipe; Holl, Jessica, ‘Justiça de transição e o governo Bolsonaro: uma transição inacabada como porta para o autoritarismo’, in ‘II Congresso Latino-Americano sobre Direito, Memória, Democracia e crimes de lesa-humanidade’ (book), 2022.

Tirado, Felipe et al., ‘Bolsonaro and ‘left-wing Nazism’: what is the goal of the revision of the past?’; 'Ecocide and crimes against humanity: questions on Bolsonaro and the International Criminal Court'; 'Why Bolsonaro investigates anti-fascists? Political surveillance and authoritarianism in Brazil', in 'Centro de Estudos sobre Justiça de Transição' (book), 2021.

Tirado, Felipe, 'Brazil is losing the 'war against Covid' under the command of Captain Jair Bolsonaro', Brazilian Research and Studies Blog, 2021, available at: https://bras-center.com/brazil-is-losing-the-war-against-covid-under-the-command-of-captain-jair-bolsonaro/

Bustamante, Thomas; Meyer, Emilio; Tirado, Felipe, 'Opposing an Idle Federal Government: The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court on Mandatory Vaccination', VerfBlog, 2020, available at: https://verfassungsblog.de/opposing-an-idle-federal-government/

Meyer, Emilio; Tirado, Felipe, ‘Accountability for Crimes Against Humanity in Brazil: Impunity in the 30 years of the Constitution of 1988’, Revista Culturas Jurídicas, Vol 5, Num 12, 2018.

Meyer, Emilio; Tirado, Felipe, ‘Responsabilidade Criminal e Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos’, in ‘Justiça de Transição, Direito à Memória e à Verdade: boas práticas’ (book), 2018.

Meyer, Emilio; Tirado, Felipe, 'Brazil Reckoning With its Past in Present Days: Will Judges Check Bolsonaro's Government?, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, 2018, available at: http://www.iconnectblog.com/2018/11/brazil-reckoning-with-its-past-in-present-days-will-judges-check-bolsonaros-government/
Key Expertise Socio-legal and comparative studies, judicial independence, transitional justice, and Latin America and Brazil.
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