
B.A. (Xia Men University)

M.A.; Ph.D (Sun Yat-sen University)


Prof. (Dr.) Huang Yinghong


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B.A. (Xia Men University)

M.A.; Ph.D (Sun Yat-sen University)



Prof. (Dr.) HUANG Yinghong(黄迎虹) received his B.A. from Xiamen University, China, and M.A. & Ph.D from Sun Yat-sen University, China.

Dr. HUANG Yinghong has taught in the School of International Relations, Sun Yat-sen University from 2010 till 2019. In addition, he was a visiting scholar in Harvard Yenching Institute (2017-2018), a senior visiting scholar at Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore (2014), and a visiting scholar at Jadavpur University (2015), Delhi University (2008&2011), Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi (2013). He as well served as an emerging scholar in India-China Institute of the New School University (2014).

Dr. HUANG’s scholarly interests include Gandhian Satyagraha, comparative political studies of India and China, and India-Sino relations. His recent publications include a book of “the Politics to convert Opponent: A case study of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha Fastings” (in Chinese), and several academic articles. He is a coeditor of a translation project (with Prof. SHANG Quanyu), namely the “Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”, which is going to be published in mainland China. And he is currently writing a book volume on “India and Guangdong in the Maritime Silk Road”. Moreover, his major ongoing research is the project of “land acquisition and the development in India and China”.

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