
B.Tech (College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram)

MA in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)

Ph.D. in Sociology (Purdue University)


Dr. Preethi Krishnan

Associate Professor

Email preethi.krishnan@jgu.edu.in
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B.Tech (College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram)

MA in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)

Ph.D. in Sociology (Purdue University)



Dr. Preethi Krishnan is an Associate Professor at the Jindal Global Law School. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Purdue University in 2019. Before joining O P Jindal Global University, she was an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Western Carolina University. Her primary areas of interest for research and teaching include inequality, social movements, development, globalization, violence, and the state.

In her research, the overarching question she asks is how state-society dynamics influence social change. She addresses this question through two thematic projects. First is her project on the Integrated Child Development Services (Anganwadi) where she examines how structures of gender, caste, and class influence how women claim entitlements for care and food. The second thematic project involves domestic violence in India. In this project, she examines how the supreme court interprets domestic violence laws and impacts gender justice while adjudicating cases. In another collaborative project, her research explores how women navigated violence during the Covid-19 pandemic.

She has published in Mobilization, Advances in Gender Research, The Global South, Current Sociology, Indian Anthropologist, and Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research.

Email preethi.krishnan@jgu.edu.in
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