LL.M. (Queen Mary University, London)
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LL.M. (Queen Mary University, London)
Avineet completed his LL.M from Queen Mary University of London with a specialization in Comparative and International Dispute Resolution. His dissertation was titled ‘A Pragmatic analysis of criticisms against Investor-State Dispute Settlement System’. He has a strong inclination and keen interest in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution. He has been handling significant research and seminar assignments in this field. Avineet is a member of Commonwealth Youth Human Rights & Democracy Network, London. He worked closely with the network and has been a part of significant events pertaining to human rights and climate change issues at the UK Parliament and Commonwealth Secretariat in the presence of dignitaries such as the Duke of Sussex, the Lord of Wimbledon and the Secretary-General of The Commonwealth.
He has an experience of practising at the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court predominantly in the areas of Arbitration, CBI related scrutiny, Criminal matters and Civil suits. He is a member at Commonwealth Lawyers Association, Young ICCA, YIAG, YSIAC and Young MCIA. He is a fitness enthusiast and loves to sketch.
His prime areas of interest include Investment Treaty Arbitration, Criminal Law, Mediation, Maritime Law, Human Rights and Climate Change.