“Embracing the unknown…“
Written by: Aaryake Pandey
After living at home for 17 years and going to school 5 minutes away from my house, coming to Sonipat was a big change. It was filled with new faces and unfamiliar buildings in whose hallways I still get lost. If only I knew back then, that embracing the unknown was not as scary as one would think.
As the new batch comes in, filled with eager faces and minds. I would like to address you as the fresher in me, telling you something I wish someone had told me.
Don’t hold back, make new friends, and let loose. You have enough time to learn how to balance your classes and social life. Take this as an opportunity to explore new things and discover what truly excites you. And don’t be afraid to take the first step to make someone your friend; everyone is as clueless and anxious as you probably are, so introduce yourself first and build healthy connections. There are always so many opportunities, and yet you will face some days of uncertainty, some days where nothing makes sense, and some days where everything just clicks.
This is your chance to discover new interests and be exposed to diverse opinions and things you might have not heard or seen before! Take it all in with an open mind and a pinch of salt. And don’t forget to be patient with yourself; it’s your first time too.There’s not a guarantee that you will know all the answers, and it is okay to take one step at a time. Celebrate achievements, no matter how small, even if it is a celebration for attending all your classes in a day.
In this crowded, hectic, and lively environment, don’t forget to take 15 minutes to yourself, eat well, and make sure to get enough sleep, even though that is easier said than done, and I know that because I was also 17 not so long ago.
Not just physical, but mental health is also very important. You may not realize it at the moment, but do take some time out, go on a walk, listen to music, and have a movie night with yourself. The one thing I have learned is that to survive college, the first thing you should be able to do is enjoy your own company.
Those moments of stepping out of your comfort zone to grow are ones you will never regret. You can fill your time by joining various clubs and societies from different schools and attending workshops and lectures. Trust me, they are not as boring as they may sound. It is a great way to meet new people and help you develop skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life. When it comes to academics, don’t be afraid to ask for help; reach out to a senior; try not to be shy; they know what it feels like; it was not long ago that they were a fresher too.