Written by: Manya Goyal
Looking back to 2022 when i first set foot into this campus, I felt an unknown breeze, a touch of the wind, a strange warmth that this place gave me. It didn’t feel like it was the very first time I was witnessing this whole other world. A world that runs faster than the one I came from. This was different. Each student, with a spark in their eyes and a bag full of dreams which they wished to fulfil, embarked on a journey which they didn’t know would be a roller coaster ride.
One thing I wish I had known as a fresher is how hard it would be to leave this place. Jindal has given me some of the best memories of my life, which I will cherish forever. The thought of graduating from here gives me goosebumps, just as I had the fear of joining here on the first day. At the start, it was a little difficult to adjust to people coming from various cultures, backgrounds, and mindsets, but now it feels like home. This place has owned my heart in many ways, from completing the first step of my career to realising how a place can change me as a person for better.
I wish I had known many things, like how to identify people who are good for you and those who are not. At the start of every journey, you try to make friends with people without knowing them completely, and I did this mistake a couple of times. But over time, I understood who truly cared for me and who did not. It is very important to know that Jindal offers numerous opportunities to students from every field, and grabbing them is crucial. Jindal has highly qualified professors, and while you are here, you should take the full advantage of what they have to offer from their teachings.
Apart from academics and opportunities, this is a place where I became self-aware. At this stage of life, there is a lot of self-doubt that clouds your mind, and you need clarity to process it. This campus gave me that clarity, but one thing that helped me gain this lucidness was the diversity this university held and my ability to attentively pick out what was best for my growth.
Lastly, something I would like all the freshers to know is to give it a little time. This place might seem a little overwhelming at the beginning, but you will get through it beautifully, and at some point, it will be hard to leave it.