
B.A. (University of Delhi); M.Sc. (Bharathiar University);

Ph.D. candidate (Tilburg University)

Prof. Garima Jain

Assistant Professor

Email gjain1@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0009-0009-2527-7499
Key Expertise Forensic Psychology, Gender based violence, masculinity, love, narratives victimology

B.A. (University of Delhi); M.Sc. (Bharathiar University);

Ph.D. candidate (Tilburg University)


Prof. Garima Jain is an Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology and Counselling, O.P. Jindal Global University, and an Advisor to Daffodils Therapy Studio. A psychologist specializing in gender and forensic psychology, she is currently pursuing her Ph.D. from the International Victimology Institute Tilburg, Tilburg University, Netherlands. Her research, framed by the theoretical rigor of narrative victimology and psychology, explores the narratives of rape survivors in the aftermath of victimization.

With ten years of teaching and research experience, Prof. Jain's work is also practice-led, collaborating with social workers and feminist organizations to raise awareness on women’s rights. She has conducted training programs in schools, colleges, and institutions like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and for Indian police personnel. She has published over 15 articles in international journals and authored the book Internet Infidelity, published by Springer.

Psychology of Gender-based Violence (Elective), PCCU-01-BAP-PGBV1043

Introduction of Psychology (Core), PCCU-01-BAP-INTP1011

Forensic Psychology (Core), PCCU-02-BAP-FCPY2012

Social Psychology (Core), PCCU-02-BAP-FCPY2012

Personality Psychology (Core), PCCU-02-BAP-POPE2022

Psychology Essay paper (Core), PCCU-03-BAP-PYEP3021


Psychology of Sexual-based violence

Jain, G. (2024). Blurred boundaries of Honour and Rape: Contesting Elopement and False Promise of marriage as rape. In Madhumita Pandey (Eds). International Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence. Springer Nature.

Jain, G., & Mishra, A. (2022). Ten Years Since Nirbhaya: A Critical Analysis of Retributive Justice in Addressing Sexual Violence. Global Advances in Victimology and Psychological Studies, 21-29.

Sahni, S. P., Lakhani, S., Thakur, A., Jain, G., & Shrivastva, J. (2020). Let's talk about depression: A focus on Australia, India and USA.

Sahni, S. P., & Jain, G. (2019). Conflict: The police and the people. Lexis Nexis.

Sahni, S.P. & Jain, G. (2018). Euthanasia: A review on Worldwide Legal Status and Public Opinion. Criminology and Criminal Law Review, 1(1), 63-76.

Jain, G.; Sahni, S.P.; & Sehgal, N. (2018). Sexual Identity Expression on the Internet: An Empirical Study of Homosexuals, Heterosexuals, and Bisexuals in India. In Dr. Sanjeev P. Sahni and Garima Jain (Eds). Internet Infidelity: An Interdisciplinary Insight in a Global Context. Springer.

Sahni, S. P., & Jain, G. (Eds.). (2018). Internet infidelity: An interdisciplinary insight in a Global Context. Springer Nature (Singapore)

Jain, G; & Sahni S.P. (2017). Understanding Attribution Bias and Reasons behind Internet Infidelity in India. In Dr. Emilio Viano (Eds). Cybercrime, Organized Crime, and Societal Responses: International Approaches. Springer.

Jain, G., Palit, M., & Dhanda, A. (2016). Honor restored with the blood shed of loved ones: Honor killing and bystander intervention. Femicide Volume IV, ACUNS (Academic Council of United Nations System).

Palit, M., Dhanda, A., & Jain, G. Preventing femicide in India (2016): Valuing and safeguarding the girl child and women. Femicide Volume IV, ACUNS (Academic Council of United Nations System)
Email gjain1@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0009-0009-2527-7499
Key Expertise Forensic Psychology, Gender based violence, masculinity, love, narratives victimology
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