
B.A. (Ravenshaw College)

M.A.(Utkal University)

Ph.D. (VirginiaTech, USA)

Prof. (Dr.) Manjushree Palit

Professor & Associate Dean of Student Admissions

Email mpalit@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
Key Expertise Family studies, family therapy, mental health, families and illness, program planning and evaluation, sexuality, gender, race, cultural diversity, sexual violence, substance abuse, and intimacy and couple relationships.

B.A. (Ravenshaw College)

M.A.(Utkal University)

Ph.D. (VirginiaTech, USA)


Dr. Manjushree Palit is currently the Professor and Associate Dean of Jindal School of Psychology & Counselling and Deputy Director of the Centre for Victimology & Psychological Studies at O. P. Jindal Global University. She has acquired multidisciplinary professional experiences, such as teaching, research, counselling and training professionals. She has 15 years of experience in counselling individuals, couples and families in multiple settings, both in India and United States, has been a researcher for 12 years and has 8 years of teaching experience. In addition, she has acquired a substantial experience in training students and professionals. In total, she has conducted more than 100 training programs and workshops in USA, India and neighbouring countries (Nepal, and Dubai).

She holds a Ph.D. in Human Development with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has clinical, teaching, research, grant writing and administrative experience. She has worked in diverse work settings – non-profit organizations in both India and United States, and academic institutions in United States and India.

She has has the privilege of being invited to the expert groups meeting organized by The Drug Prevention and Health Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on the topic “Elements of Family Therapy for Juveniles with Drug Use Disorders and in “Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Creating Societies Resilient to Drugs and Crime”. The event was held at Vienna, Austria, from 4-7 June 2018, where she presented a talk on “Current scenario and substance abuse treatment practices in India” on 4th June at the UNODC meeting. She has delivered workshops on family therapy and counselling to undergraduates & post-graduate students, psychologists, teachers and professionals.

She has also presented her scholarly work at some of the reputed international conferences, such as 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology (WSV), Hong Kong 2018; International Conference on Applied Psychology (ICAP 2017) at Colombo, Sri Lanka; The International Academic Forum at The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences at Brighton, United Kingdom (2016); 13th United Nations Congress on Crime and Criminal Justice at Doha in 2015; 15th World Society of Victimology at Perth, Australia, 2015; and The Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, North Carolina, United States (2012).

Her work has been successfully published as book chapters, and peer reviewed articles in renowned journals. In particular, she has published books, book chapters, journal publications and newspaper articles in reputed national and international journals.

She has designed several customized cross-registered elective courses on Juvenile Delinquency and Victim Psychology, and Art of Listening, Attachment and Intimacy in Relationships for the undergraduate students at O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University). She has also taught Life Span Developmental Psychology and Counselling Psychology to Psychology major undergraduate students from Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities.

Elements of family-based treatments for adolescents with drug use disorders: creating societies resilient to drugs and crime”- a UNODC report (Accepted due to be published in the UNODC website)

Spencer, C. M., Ripll-Nunez, K. J., Jaramillo-Sierro, A. L., Nikparvar, F., Glebova, T., Du, J., Peng, Y., Mittal, M., Palit, M., Saydam, S. Z., Gazioglu, N., Vetere, A., Siltala, H., Paivinen, H., & Holma, J. International Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges and Opportunities. (Manuscript under review).

Palit M. (2020). Juvenile Delinquency : Causes and Treatment in (Eds. S. P. Sahni, P. Bhadra) Criminal Psychology and the Criminal Justice System in India and Beyond. (Springer Singapore)

Palit, M. (2020). Depression and its impact on significant relationships with intimate partner and family. Sahni, S. P., Srivastava, J., Thakur, A., Lakhani, S., & Jain, G. (Eds.) Let’s talk about depression: A Focus on Australia, India, and USA, Bloomsbury Publications.

Hovorun, T., & Palit, M. (2018). Gender in Pedagogical dimensions. In the edited book “Pedagogical and psychological sciences: development prospects in countries of Europe at the beginning of the third millennium”,Collective monograph. Volume 1. The Academic Council of Economics College in Stalowa Wola “Baltija Publishing”, 412 p. ISBN 978-9934-571-62-6

Chen, R., Piercy, F. P., Huang, Wei-Jen., Jaramillo-Sierra, A. L., Karimi, H., Chang, Wei-Ning., Palit, M., Martosudarmo, C. D.M.L., & Antonio, A., (2017): A Cross-National Study of Therapists’ Perceptions and Experiences Of Premature Dropout From Therapy, Journal of Family Psychotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/08975353.2017.1343067

Palit, M., & Allen, K. (2016). Making meaning of the virginity experience: Young men’s perceptions in the United States. Sexual & Relationship Therapy Journal, doi: 10.1080/14681994.2016.1237771.

Palit, M., Dhanda, A., & Jain, G. Preventing femicide in India (2016): Valuing and safeguarding the girl child and women. Femicide Volume IV, ACUNS (Academic Council of United Nations System)

Jain, G., Palit, M., & Dhanda, A. (2016). Honor restored with the blood shed of loved ones: Honor killing and bystander intervention. Femicide Volume IV, ACUNS (Academic Council of United Nations System)

Majumdar, S. & Palit, M. (2016). Victimization and Its Impact: Need for psychosocial support. In S. Sahni, A. Dhanda & M. Palit (Eds). Victims’ Assistance in India: Suggesting Legislative reforms- A Comprehensive Comparative Policy Review. New Delhi: ANE Publishing.

Sahni, S. P., Dhanda, A. & Palit, M. (2016). Legislative Reforms: Suggestions for a Victim-sensitive in India. In G.F. Kirchhoff, M. Palit, & S.P. Sahni’s (Eds). Global Perspectives in Victimology: Theory-Facts- Legislation. Lexis-Nexis Publication (pp. 127-137)

Palit, M., & Levin, S. (2016) Collaborative Therapy with Women and Children Refugees in Houston: Moving toward Rehabilitation in U.S after Enduring Atrocities of War. In Dr Laurie L.Charlés & Dr Gameela Samarasinghe (Eds). Family therapy in global humanitarian contexts: Voices and issues from the Field, (39- 49). American Family Therapy Academy: Springer Publication.

Sahni, S., Dhanda, A., & Palit, M. (2016). Victims’ Assistance in India: Suggesting Legislative Reforms- A Comprehensive Comparative Policy Review. New Delhi: ANE Publishing

Kirchhoff, G., Palit, M., & Sahni, S. (2016). Global Victimology: New Voices: Theory, Facts, Legislations (Edited Book). New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing, Lexis Nexis Publishers.

Jaramillo-Sierra, A. L., Piercy, F. P., Chang, W., Palit, M., Chen, R., Karimi, H., Martosudarmo, C., & Antonio, A. (2015). Couple and family therapists’ perceptions of women’s depression and preferred treatment modalities: A cross-national exploration. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 26, 226-242, doi: 10.1080/08975353.2015.1067534

Piercy, F. P., Chang, W., Palit, M., Jaramillo-Sierra, A. L., Chen, R., Karimi, H., Martosudarmo, C., & Antonio, A. (2014). A cross-national study in family therapy training: A collaborative pilot project. Contemporary Family Therapy, 36, 250-259. doi: 10.1007/s10591-014-9300-z

Piercy, F. & Palit, M. (2014). Addiction and recovery: Two reflective learning activities. In R. Bean, S. Davis, and M. Davey (Eds). Clinical supervision activities for increasing competence and self- awareness, (281-286). Boston: Wiley

Piercy, F. P., Chang, W., Palit, M., Jaramillo-Sierra, A. L., Chen, R., Karimi, H., Martosudarmo, C., & Antonio, A. (2013). Cross-national research in family therapy: One encouraging collaborative approach. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 24, 296–305. doi: 10.1080/08975353.2013.849559

Piercy, F. P., & Palit, M. (2012). Editor’s Annual Report: 2011–2012. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38, 697–703. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-0606.2012.00337.

Keeling, M. L., Butler, J., Green, N., Kraus, V., & Palit, M. (2010). The gender discourse in therapy questionnaire: A tool for training in feminist-informed therapy. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 22 (2), 153-169, doi: 10.1080/08952831003787883. (Butler, Green, Kraus & Palit are equally second authors)
Email mpalit@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Family studies, family therapy, mental health, families and illness, program planning and evaluation, sexuality, gender, race, cultural diversity, sexual violence, substance abuse, and intimacy and couple relationships.
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