
B.A., B.Ed., & M.S.W. (Bangalore University);

M.Phil. & Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work (NIMHANS)

Dr. Sudhir Babu.S

Assistant Professor

Email sudhir.babu@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0000-0001-6260-2187
Key Expertise Overall public mental health as well as Mental disorders among all the population groups , Treatment Adherence in Psychiatric Disorders, Psychosocial care for Children and Women in Difficult Circumstances, Life Skills Education, School Mental Health, Family Life Education, Strength Based Social Work Practice, Stigma, Psychosocial Care Determinants, Stress Management at Workplace, Disaster Mental Health, Recovery from Addiction, Capacity Building in Mental Health Care, Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Disability & Functionality (ICF)

B.A., B.Ed., & M.S.W. (Bangalore University);

M.Phil. & Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work (NIMHANS)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), and Post-graduation in Social Work (M.S.W) from Bangalore University. M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru.

Research & Teaching Interests:

Community Mental Health –  Quantitative Research Practice, Treatment Adherence in Psychiatric Disorders,  Psychosocial care for Children and Women in Difficult Circumstances, Life Skills Education,    School Mental Health,  Family Life Education,  Migration and Mental Health,  Strength Based Social Work Practice,   NGOs in Mental Health Care,  Stress Management at Workplace,   Disaster Mental Health,   Recovery from Addiction,  Capacity Building in Mental Health Care, Psychosocial Rehabilitation,  Disability & Functionality (ICF)

Industry Experience:

He has nearly 16 years of experience in practice, teaching, and research continuum in the mental health and psychiatric social work subjects. Has key knowledge of curriculum design, module development and teaching methodologies and community mental health research.  He has been involved as a resource person for more than 200 training programs related to mental health care and psychosocial interventions. Dr. Sudhir has worked in the following positions and research projects over the year

  1. Research Associate (Aug’ 2021- June’ 2022) for the NIMHANS – ICSSR Project titled ‘Covid-19 Impact on Rural School Children

  2. Research Scholar & Junior Consultant (July’ 2017 – June’ 2021) Community Mental Health Unit, NIMHANS

  3. Psychiatric Social Worker (May’ 2015 – June’ 2017), Adult Psychiatry Unit, NIMHANS

  4. Psychiatric Social Worker (May’ 2014 – Apr’ 2015) Abhaya Addiction Recovery Center

  5. Programme Manager (Jan’ 2008 – Apr’ 2012) for the NIMHANS-Every Child India project titled Psychosocial Care for Children in Difficult Circumstances through South Indian NGOs

  6. Research officer (Jan’ 2007 – Dec’ 2007) for the NIMHANS – CARE INDIA project titled Psychosocial Support for Survivors of Tsunami Disaster

Teaching Experience:

He supervised and taught for M.Phil. Scholars, Post-graduation, Undergraduate students and Internship program trainees at NIMHANS.  He has extensively worked with diverse population groups, families, communities, and organizations to provide mental health care & psychosocial support interventions in clinical as well as public mental health settings.

He is teaching Quantitative Research Methods, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Environmental Psychology, Clinical psychology, and Community Mental Health subjects at the School of JPSC, O.P Jindal Global University.

Statistical Methods for Psychological Research (core course)

Quantitative Research Methods (core course)

Environmental Psychology (core course)

Statistical Methods for Psychological Research (core course)

Quantitative Research Methods (core course)

Environmental Psychology (core course)

Quantitative Research Methods (core course)

Community Mental Health (cross elective)

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu, Elangovan, A.R., Isaac, M., & Kalyanasundaram J.R. (2024). Burden and Determination of Caregivers for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness: A Case Study from A Strength Based Perspective. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Mental Health https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-024-00421-3 (online first)

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu., Elangovan, A.R., Isaac, M., & Kalyanasundaram J.R.. (2024). Comparison of Clinical Profile and Current Status of the Treatment Non-Adherent Persons with Mental Illness - A Study from a Rural Community Mental Health Center in India. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. doi: 10.4103/ijsp.ijsp_147_23 (online first)

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu., Elangovan AR, et al., (2023). Psychological Distress and Quality of Community Life Among Migratory Construction Workers in India. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 14: 533-540. doi: 10.25259/JNRP_42_2022.

Treatment Non Adherence to Adherence - Psychiatric Social Work Interventions for A Person with Mental Illness by Using Community Resources (DJICMH, Chandigarh, Sep’ 2023)

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu., Elangovan, A.R., Isaac, M., & Kalyanasundaram J.R. (2022). Mortality among Treatment Non-Adherent Persons with Mental Illness - Findings from the Community Mental Health Centre in India. Journal Psychosocial. Rehabilitation & Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-022-00301-8

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu., Elangovan AR, Isaac M, & Kalyanasundaram J.R. (2022). Treatment Non-Adherence Pattern Among Persons with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Study from A Rural Community Mental Health Centre in India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 68(4), 844-851 doi:10.1177/0020764021100846.

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu., Elangovan AR, Isaac M, et al. (2022). Challenges in Tracing Treatment Non-Adherent Persons with Mental Illness: Experiences from A Rural Community Mental Health Center, India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022 Jan; 67:102944. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102944.

Paramasivam R., Elangovan A.R.,…….Sudhir Babu Sriramalu. (2022) Intervention based mental health training for community level workers in India - A systematic review, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 11 (4), 1237-1243. (Non-Scopus Indexed)

Sudhir Babu Sriramalu, Elangovan, A.R., et al. (2021) Family Reintegration of a Homeless Person through Case Management Approach: A Case Report from a Community Mental Health Centre. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Mental Health. 8, 317-325. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-021-00224-w

Sudhir Babu. S., Raghavendra. K & Aravind Raj E., (2021). Online psychosocial & mental health interventions for distressed individuals during COVID-19 pandemic - Experiences of Psychiatric Social Workers. In Dhanasekara Pandian, Aravind Raj (Eds). Psychosocial Interventions During Covid-19 Pandemic. NIMHANS Publications (Chapter)

Swachha Bharat Abhiyan Program for School Children through Street Play (ICSW Conference, Chennai, Dec’ 2019)

Family Reintegration of a Homeless Person through Case Management Approach - A Case Report (WAPR International Conference, Bengaluru, Dec’ 2019)

Integration of Socio-Ecological, Biopsychosocial Models and Methods of Social Work Interventions for the Treatment Non-Adherent Persons with Mental Illness (APSWC International Conference, Bengaluru, Sept’ 2019)

Treatment Non-Adherence Pattern among Persons with Neuropsychiatric Disorders -A Study from Community Mental Health Centre (XXXVII- ISPSW Conference, Bengaluru, Jan’ 2019)

(As a co-author, XXXVII- ISPSW Conference, Jan’ 2019, ISBN: 81-86501-00-X. NIMHANS Publications No: 152)

Conducted a Monthly Video conference on continuing skill development (VCSD) for the Social workers of the District mental health program, Karnataka (July’ 2017 - Dec’ 2019)

Psychosocial Profile of the Migratory Construction Workers (South Asian Conference of Professional Social Workers, Bengaluru, Aug’ 2015)

Capacity Building of the GOs, NGOs & Community Level Workers on Psychosocial Support for Survivors of Tsunami Disaster in Andhra Pradesh (XXXI National ISPSW Conference, Bengaluru, Jan’ 2013)

Sekar. K., Aravind Raj.E., Sudhir Babu.S., et al., (2012). A Manual of Psychosocial Care or Children in Difficult Circumstances, NIMHANS Publications

Capacity Building of the NGOs on Children in Difficult Circumstances (XXX National ISPSW Conference, Bengaluru, Jan’ 2012)

Sekar. K., Aravind Raj.E., Sudhir Babu.S., et al., (2011). A Work Book of Community-Based Education on Ill Effects of Substance Use. NIMHANS Publications

Sekar. K., Parthasarathy. R., Aravind Raj. E., Sudhir Babu.S., et al., (.2010). A Work Book of Student Enrichment Programme. NIMHANS Publications
Email sudhir.babu@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0001-6260-2187
Key Expertise Overall public mental health as well as Mental disorders among all the population groups , Treatment Adherence in Psychiatric Disorders, Psychosocial care for Children and Women in Difficult Circumstances, Life Skills Education, School Mental Health, Family Life Education, Strength Based Social Work Practice, Stigma, Psychosocial Care Determinants, Stress Management at Workplace, Disaster Mental Health, Recovery from Addiction, Capacity Building in Mental Health Care, Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Disability & Functionality (ICF)
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