
B.Sc. (Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai);

M.Sc. (Christ University, Bengaluru);

M.Phil. (NIMHANS, Bengaluru);

Ph.D. (NIMHANS, Bengaluru);

Dr. Poornima Viswanathan

Assistant Professor

Email poornima.viswanathan@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 000-0002-6829-0695
Key Expertise Help-seeking for mental health, Youth mental health, Role of faculty in student mental health, Mental health of mental health professionals, Psychotherapy process research, Psychology of trauma, Neurodiversity, Adult ADHD, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology, Lived experiences of families of individuals with mental illness, Autoethnography and Qualitative Research Methods, The role of creative arts and theatre in well-being, Somatic and body-focused approaches to recovery

B.Sc. (Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai);

M.Sc. (Christ University, Bengaluru);

M.Phil. (NIMHANS, Bengaluru);

Ph.D. (NIMHANS, Bengaluru);


Dr. Poornima Viswanathan is a clinical Psychologist, psychotherapist, educator and mental health researcher with a deep passion for student well-being and training the next generation of mental health professionals. After completing her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Psychology, she taught as an Assistant Professor at Central University of Karnataka. She completed her two-year training at NIMHANS to become a licensed Clinical Psychologist. Her MPhil research focused on the lived experiences of siblings of autistic individuals, and her PhD specialized in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, specifically, internalizing disorders.

As Junior Consultant at the Clinical Psychology Department, she taught and supervised MPhil Trainee Psychologists for assessment and management of clinical cases from the child and adolescent as well as adult psychiatry departments. She also managed the Child and Adolescent Mental Health clinic at NIMHANS. She is currently a psychotherapist in private practice. She has received specialized training in solution focused behavioural therapy, narrative therapy, art based therapy, basic mentalization based treatment and fundamentals of music therapy.

In her teaching career, Poornima has taught courses on Psychology of Trauma and Recovery, Statistics, Qualitative Research Methods, Counselling Theory and Practicum, Psychological Assessment, Cognitive Psychology and Environmental Psychology. She is also actively involved in supervising student research projects, guiding them in their academic and clinical development. She is the Founding Associate Director of the Centre for Neurodiversity Studies, Co-founder of the Diverse Minds Collective, Faculty Mentor for Mindscapes, a student-run club for art-based expression, and The Origins, a psychology theatre club.

She incorporates a lived experience approach to her teaching, practice and research, encouraging students to engage reflectively and empathetically as they prepare for roles as mental health professionals. She emphasizes creating reflective spaces to foster empathy and a deeper understanding of client challenges, ensuring future mental health professionals are both skilled and compassionate. 

Psychology of Trauma and Recovery (School specific elective)

Statistical Methods for Psychological Research I

Qualitative Research Methods - Theory

Qualitative Research Methods - Practicum

Counselling Psychology - Theory

Counselling Psychology - Practicum

Environmental Psychology

Supervision of Honors thesis

Best Paper Award for ‘Lived experiences of siblings of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder’ in the 1st Annual BCS International Conference organized by Binghamton University, Christ University and Stepping Stones Centre (2018)

Shriram Educational Trust Medal for securing highest percentage marks in major and allied papers in B.Sc. Psychology (2013)

Ethiraj College Silver Jubilee Endowment Medal for Proficiency in B.Sc. Psychology (2013)


UGC Junior & Senior Research Fellowship (2016-2022)

Viswanathan, P. (2024). Empathetic mental health systems for all: Experiential insights as a prosumer. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. doi:10.1007/s40737-024-00402-6

Viswanathan, P., Kishore, M. T., Seshadri, S. P., & VS, B. (2024). Individual and environmental factors in internalizing disorders in children and adolescents. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 29(2), 424–438, doi: 10.1177/13591045231177367

Panelist for ‘Neurodiversity and student mental health: A lived experience approach’ at the Jindal Sussex Conclave (2024)

Facilitated a session on ‘Active Listening and Effective Communication’ for Peer Support Commission of Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling (2024).

Facilitated ‘Embracing Neurodiversity: Stress Management and Self Care’ for 10th to 12th grade students as part of JSPC summer school (2024).

Invited speaker for ‘Sharing lived experiences of mental health’ for Amaha (2024)

Co-facilitated ‘Creating a culture of care: The role of faculty in fostering student well-being’ as part of a faculty development programme for Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling (2023 & 2024)

Presented paper on 'Individual and environmental factors in internalizing disorders' in The 15th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology in Kuching, Malaysia in August, 2023

Presented paper on 'Developmental competencies, temperament, parenting practices and psychosocial adversities in internalizing disorders' in The International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence 2023

Facilitated ‘Mastering Me-Time: A workshop on self-care, resilience and time management’ for Peer Support Commission of Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling (2023).

Facilitated a session on ‘Help-seeking for mental health’ for 9th to 12th grade students as part of JSPC Summer School (2023).

Invited expert for panel discussion on ‘Art as a therapeutic tool for self-exploration’ at the 7th Dialogue of the Bharat Panchal Dialogues in Mental Health, 2023 - An online conference held by the Fortis National Mental Health Program and Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling (2023)

Viswanathan, P., Kishore, M. T., Seshadri, S. P., & Binu, V. S. (2022).Developmental competencies, temperament, parenting practices and psychosocial adversities in children with internalising disorders–A pilot study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, doi: 10.1177/13591045221082745

Viswanathan, P., Kishore, M. T., & Seshadri, S. P. (2022). Lived experiences of siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorder in India: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 44(1), 45, doi: 10.1177/02537176211029111

Talk on ‘Walk-through mental health care in India’ for student visit from University of Houston conducted by O.P.Jindal Global University (2022).

Facilitated an evening of therapeutic theatre for faculty and students of Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling (2022).

Talk on 'Tips to deal with exam Stress and anxiety' for school students conducted by Nova Events (2022).

Invited guest lecture on 'Educational Psychology' for Guru Nanak College (2022)

Didactic session on ‘Behavioural Analysis’ and ‘Parent Management Training’ at VKN Tele-Echo organized by Centre for Addiction Medicine and Department of Psychiatry, NIMHANS (2021)

Guest Lecture on “Understanding Psychotherapies: Psychodynamic, Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” in Amity University, UP (Noida) – (2021)

Special Lecture series in PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on the topic ‘Managing Children with Special Needs’ (2021)

Viswanathan, P. (2020, May 11). How to ensure psychological well-being of children during pandemic? Sambhawna Tele-Health. https://sambhawnahealth.com/entries/positive-lock-down-series/how-to-ensure-psychological-well-being-of-children-during-pandemic

Part of Organizing committee and co-facilitated ‘Online training of psychologists for providing brief & basic telephonic psychological support in the context of COVID 19’, NIMHANS (2020).

Part of organising team and co-facilitator for ‘On the Other Side of the Helpline: Experiences and Insights of Clinical Psychologists as Frontline Volunteers’ for psychologists across India, NIMHANS (2020).

Viswanathan, P., Poornima, M. N., Pradeep, A. J., & Kommu, J. V. S. (2019). Amenable for psychological interventions? Case report of a child with multiple developmental disabilities and challenging behaviours. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health-ISSN 0973-1342, 15(4), 92-103, doi: 10.1177/0973134220190408

Co-facilitated a workshop on Psychological Assessment for Children in Special Circumstances in NIMHANS Centre for Well-being (2019)

Co-facilitated a workshop on Applied Behavior Analysis workshop in NIMHANS Centre for Well-being(2019)

Presented paper on ‘The Effects of Classical Music based Chakra Meditation on the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome’ in the National Conference on Stress and Health: Frontiers of Stress Related Diseases in Health and Management (UGC Sponsored SHDM 2015)
Email poornima.viswanathan@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 000-0002-6829-0695
Key Expertise Help-seeking for mental health, Youth mental health, Role of faculty in student mental health, Mental health of mental health professionals, Psychotherapy process research, Psychology of trauma, Neurodiversity, Adult ADHD, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology, Lived experiences of families of individuals with mental illness, Autoethnography and Qualitative Research Methods, The role of creative arts and theatre in well-being, Somatic and body-focused approaches to recovery
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