
PhD, Behavioural Neuroscience (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy);

B.Tech- M.Tech, Cognitive Neuroscience (University of Rajasthan, India)

Dr. Divya Bhatia

Associate Professor

Email dbhatia@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 0000-0002-7017-2276
Key Expertise Internet and Cognition, Google Effect, Working Memory, Cognition, Social Media and Memory

PhD, Behavioural Neuroscience (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy);

B.Tech- M.Tech, Cognitive Neuroscience (University of Rajasthan, India)


Dr. Divya Bhatia is an associate professor at Jindal School of Psychology and Counselling, O.P. Jindal Global University. She is also the associate director of the E-Cog: Emotion and Cognition Psychology Research Center at O.P. Jindal Global University. She obtained her PhD in behavioural neuroscience (con lode/with honors) from Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. Her PhD work was focused on investigating how pointing movements influence visuospatial working memory using a set of behavioural experiments, eye-tracking and EEG-ERP. She has published a number of peer-reviewed journal articles and also works as a peer-reviewer for renowned journals such as PLOS ONE and Frontiers in Psychology.

Her current research interests focus on understanding the impact of the Internet on human cognition, such as memory and information processing using behavioural controlled laboratory experiments, eye-tracking, and EEG.

She has been teaching core courses such as Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology and Brain and Behaviour. She has also been teaching two elective courses: (a) Cognitive Processes: Importance and Implications - focused on applied cognitive psychology, and (b) The Online Brain: Internet and Cognition - focused on the impact of the internet on human cognition and brain.

Cognitive Psychology

Brain & Behaviour

Educational Psychology

Elective - The Online Brain: Internet and Cognition

Elective - Cognitive Processes: Importance and Implications

Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Society: Neuroscience Engagement and Outreach, International Brain Research Organisation, 2021

Research Start-up Grant, Sapienza University of Rome (2018-19 & 2019-20)

Joint Mobility Grant, Sapienza University of Rome (2018-19)

Bhatia, D., Pandiaraj, D., & Reddy, S. (2024). The Effect of Demographic and Psychological Factors on Vaccine Reluctance in COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Exploring the Psycho-Social Impact of COVID-19, 153-199. Can be accessed here: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003357209-11/effect-demographic-psychological-factors-vaccine-reluctance-covid-19-divya-bhatia-deepak-pandiaraj-sadananda-reddy

Bhatia D. Neuroscience Engagement and Outreach on Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Report from India. Annals of Neurosciences. 2023;30(2):119-123. doi:10.1177/09727531231176122

Khetrapal, N., & Bhatia, D. (2022). Our brightly‐lit future: Exploring the potential for astrotourism in Khajuraho (India). The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien. https://doi.org/10.1111/cag.12742

Gupta, R., Sharma, S., & Bhatia, D. (2022). Ageing, Emotion Regulation and Effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions. International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Health (Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp. 1–9). https://doi.org/10.54105/ijpmh.e1020.072522

Santirocchi, A., Bhatia, D., Gupta, R., Spataro, P., Rossi-Arnaud, C., & Cestari, V. (2022). Perception of Risk and Intention for Vaccination in times of Covid-19 emergency in an Indian sample. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44 (CogPsy 2022). Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/62s9j9rp

Santirocchi, A., Bhatia, D., Gupta, R., Spataro, P., Rossi-Arnaud, C., & Cestari, V. (2022). Perception of Risk and Intention for Vaccination in times of Covid-19 emergency in an Indian sample. 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2022).

Bhatia, D., Mohite, V., Spataro, P., Rossi-Arnaud, C., & Mishra, R. K. (2021). Effects of pointing movements on visuospatial working memory in a joint-action condition: Evidence from eye movements. Memory & Cognition, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-021-01230-w

Gupta, R., Junnarkar, M., & Bhatia, D. (2021). Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Cognitive Processing. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43 (CogPsy 2021).

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., Functional equivalence between executed and imagined pointing movements in visuospatial working memory, 62nd Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society (2021).

Gupta, R., Junnarkar, M., & Bhatia, D. (2021). Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Cognitive Processing. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021).

Rossi-Arnaud, C., Spataro, P., Bhatia, D., Doricchi, F., Mastroberardino, S., & Cestari, V. (2020). Long-lasting positive effects of collaborative remembering on false assents to misleading questions. Acta Psychologica, 203, 102986. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.102986

Rathee, S., Bhatia, D., Punia, V., & Singh, R. (2020). Peak alpha frequency in relation to cognitive performance. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 11(03), 416-419. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1712585

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., Mishra, R.K., Cestari, V. , Doricchi F., Rossi-Arnaud, C. (2019) Pointing movements and visuo-spatial working memory in a joint setting: the role of motor inhibition. Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01209-y

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C. (2019). Movements and Visuospatial Working Memory: Examining the Role of Movement and Attention to Movement, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 41 (CogPsy 2019).

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., Mohite, V., Mishra, R. K., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., Your actions are my actions: An eye-movement study on the joint effects of pointing in visuo-spatial working memory, 8th Joint Action Meeting, Genoa, Italy (2019)

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., Movements and Visuo-spatial working memory: Examining the role of Movement and Attention to Movement, 41st Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society (CggSci, 2019), Montreal, Canada (2019).

Rossi-Arnaud, C., Spataro, P., Bhatia, D., & Cestari, V. (2018). Collaborative remembering reduces suggestibility: A study with the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale. Memory, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2018.1542004

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C. (2018). Whose pointing is beneficial for visuo-spatial working memory: Mine, yours or an animated hand's? COGNITIVE PROCESSING (Vol. 19, pp. S57-S57). TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG.

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., You and the hand: investigating the effects of other-performed pointing movements on visuo-spatial memory, 16th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), Padova, Italy (2018).

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C. (2018). Movements & visuo-spatial working memory: The effect of active, passive and other’s pointing, Ninth European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS- 9), Pavia, Italy.

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., Whose pointing is beneficial for visuo-spatial working memory: Mine, yours or an animated hand’s?, 7th international conference on spatial cognition (ICSC), Rome, Italy (2018).

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., Pointing performed by others facilitate visuo-spatial memory, but how much should I be involved?, MeeTo Conference, Turin, Italy (2018).

Bhatia, D., Prasad, S. G., Sake, K., & Mishra, R. K. (2017). Task Irrelevant External Cues Can Influence Language Selection in Voluntary Object Naming: Evidence from Hindi-English Bilinguals. PloS one, 12(1), e0169284. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169284

Bhatia, D., Spataro, P., & Rossi-Arnaud, C., My movements help me remember better, what about yours?, VII Joint Action Meeting, London, UK (2017).

Bhatia, D., & Arunan, MC. (2015). The strength of the weak links: perspective from the undergraduate world of India, XXXIII International Conference of Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Chandigarh, India.

Bhatia, D., & Mishra, R. K., (2015). Influence of other’s choice on own language production. Evidence from Hindi-English bilinguals, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP, p. 163).

Bhatia, D., Prasad, SG., & Mishra, R.K., How free is Free- choice? Evidences from Hindi- English Bilinguals. International workshop “The Attentive Listener in the Visual World”, CNCS, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India (2014).
Email dbhatia@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-7017-2276
Key Expertise Internet and Cognition, Google Effect, Working Memory, Cognition, Social Media and Memory
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