
B.A. (University of Delhi)

M.A. (Johns Hopkins University)

M.A. (University of Hull)

Prof. Mohsin Raza Khan

Associate Dean of Student Initiatives

Email mrkhan@jgu.edu.in
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B.A. (University of Delhi)

M.A. (Johns Hopkins University)

M.A. (University of Hull)


Mr. Khan possesses a master’s in international economics and international relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, with a specialization in South Asia. He also has an MA in Global Political Economy from the University of Hull where he was a British Chevening Scholar. His undergraduate degree is in economics from the University of Delhi.

Prof. Khan is a Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certified by the Global association of Risk Professionals (GARP) New York. He has worked as a banker for several years in Dubai, both in corporate lending and risk management. He was also Senior Fellow: Foreign Policy, Economics and Finance at the India Research Group in Washington DC. His interests range over issues of Development, Foreign Policy and Economics. He has in the past written dissertations and papers on India’s manufacturing and Exports, Malaysian Capital Controls during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98, on the Historical Rise of the West Vis-à-vis The Rest and on the Theory and Conduct of War in Islamic History. His particular areas of interest are historical global development trajectories, ethnic conflict, the influence of economic interests on foreign policy, the history of great power politics and conflicts during the 20th century and the gamut of India Pakistan issues – economic, cultural and political.

He believes classes should provide the minutiae of theory and concepts as well as historical depth and draw together the various disciplines in order to sketch the larger picture. Prof Khan is also interested in issues of judicial, legal and police reform for he believes these are core issues of not only human rights but also of economic development. He also has an avid interest in script writing.











Email mrkhan@jgu.edu.in
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