
B.A. (Presidency College, Calcutta)

M.A. (University of Calcutta)

Ph.D. (Kent State University)

Dr. Sweta Sen

Assistant Professor

Email sweta@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0171-1088
Key Expertise Non-state Armed Groups; Humanitarian Negotiations; Indigenous Peace-making; Forced Displacement; Civil Conflicts

B.A. (Presidency College, Calcutta)

M.A. (University of Calcutta)

Ph.D. (Kent State University)


Dr. Sweta Sen is a comparativist whose research explores the internal and external facets of contemporary armed conflicts, with a focus on organizational behaviors of non-state armed groups, humanitarian access during situations of conflict, and the essential roles of grassroots, indigenous organizations in rebel negotiations.

Presently, she is an Assistant Professor of International Relations and Comparative Politics at Jindal School of International Affairs where she teaches courses on international organizations, comparative politics, law and ethics in international relations, and politics of civil wars. Previously, she was a fulltime, visiting lecturer at Butler University (Indianapolis, US). Prior to her association with academia, she worked in an anti-human-trafficking project, administered by the European Union through the Group Development Association of France, as a case officer. During her tenure there, she was actively involved in restoration, rehabilitation, and reintegration of trafficking survivors into mainstream society. 

Her research has been supported by several grants and fellowships, including the Senesh fellowship administered by the International Peace Research Association, Kent State Research Fellowship, and XCEPT.

Globalization and International Institutions (Core)

Introduction to Comparative Politics

Research Methods and Analysis

Law and Ethics in International Relations

Politics of Civil Wars

PhD Research Synopsis Colloquium

Laura Bassi Editorial Scholarship (Partial)- declined (2023)

Senesh Fellowship, International Peace Research Association, $10000 (2017)

Teaching Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Kent State University. $12,000. (2017)

Thomas R. Hensley Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching. (2018)

Full-Time Visiting Lecturer, Butler University, Indianapolis,US (2018-2019)

Senesh Fellowship, International Peace Research Association

Mazzei, Julie and Sweta Sen. 2024. Process tracing and non-state violent actors: ensuring methodological rigor in the study of non-state violent actors (without getting yourself killed). Small Wars & Insurgencies, https://doi.org/10.1080/09592318.2024.2436689

Sen, S. (2024). Rebel network theory: The case of Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 41(6), 735-754. https://doi.org/10.1177/07388942231222213

Everyday Peace: Women negotiating with armed actors in Northeast India. Eurasian Peace Science Conference. Ankara: Turkey. 2024

Women’s Access to Healthcare and Emerging Needs in Forcibly Displaced Settings in the Indo-Myanmar Borderland. Medecins Sans Frontier (Doctors without Borders) Scientific Day- Asia. New Delhi(India). 2024

Sen, S. (2018)Peace as a Tool of War: Sudan People’s Liberation Army and Humanitarian Agreements. Local Peace-Building and Legitimacy: Interactions between National and Local Levels. Edited by Landon E. Hancock and Christopher
Email sweta@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0171-1088
Key Expertise Non-state Armed Groups; Humanitarian Negotiations; Indigenous Peace-making; Forced Displacement; Civil Conflicts
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