
B.A. (Madras Christian College, University of Madras);

M.A. (English and Foreign Languages University);

M.Phil. (English and Foreign Languages University);

Ph.D. (University of Kentand University of Porto)

Dr. Renu Elizabeth Abraham

Assistant Professor

Email reabraham@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
Key Expertise Medieval and Early Modern period, Indian Ocean, Malabar, myths and legends, historiography, maritime history, Portuguese history

B.A. (Madras Christian College, University of Madras);

M.A. (English and Foreign Languages University);

M.Phil. (English and Foreign Languages University);

Ph.D. (University of Kentand University of Porto)


Dr. Renu Abraham is a historian. She has a joint doctorate degree in early modern studies from the University of Kent (UK) and University of Porto (Portugal). She completed her Ph.D. as part of the international TEEME (Text and Event in Early Modern Europe) programme, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus Mundus scheme.

International History 

Contemporary World History

Maritime Policies

History Writing

Maritime Environmental History

Email reabraham@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Medieval and Early Modern period, Indian Ocean, Malabar, myths and legends, historiography, maritime history, Portuguese history
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