July 17, 2024 2025-02-26 10:08Archive
Why punitive population-control measures are harmful and distract from the real problem – inequality
Higher fertility rates are a symptom of underdevelopment rather than the cause of it. …
The Mythical Population Problem and the Actual Worries
It must be kept in mind that resources of the country are not a static entity entirely, and it increases as demographic dividend is reaped. …
Kinnow Harvest
High operational costs, market uncertainties, and ineffective institutional support make kinnow farming a risky venture, pushing farmers to choose paddy cultivation, which is considered a stable option for them, despite the environmental challenges associated with …
What promises should Budget 2024-25 hold for agriculture sector?
The Interim Budget for 2024-25 scheduled to be tabled on February 1, 2024 carries significant importance, not only for the ruling government but also for the common citizen, including farmers and rural communities, amid multiple …
The unabated paddy monoculture of Punjab
Market fluctuations and a lack of economically viable alternatives is forcing farmers in Punjab to continue cultivating paddy, despite the presence of high-yielding crops such as kinnow. …
Workplace Maternity Benefits Elude 94% Working Indian Women
Women’s labour force participation rates fall when they have young children, with childcare cited as a key factor keeping them out of the workforce. New Delhi: India has amongst the most progressive laws on maternity benefits. …
What NFHS-5 reveals about menstrual health and hygiene practices
Women belonging to India’s minority communities follow and observe better menstrual health and hygiene compared to their counterparts in the majority community. …
India’s suboptimal use of its labour power
The economy continues to engage a majority in low quality work, which has larger macroeconomic growth repercussions. A vast majority of Indians earn the entirety of their incomes through labour as opposed to ownership of …
Quantity vs Quality: Long-term Trends in Job Creation in the Indian Labour Market
Employment and wage trends since the mid-1990s have seen 3 phases of growth. In the 3rd period, since 2017–18, the ‘quantity’ of employment has grown. This has been mainly of the self-employed with stagnant wages …
Entering during an economic crisis: Labour market trajectories of young Indian workers
Economic downturns can have lasting and ‘scarring’ effects on career trajectories. Using data from India, this column finds only a marginal difference in the likelihood of finding employment between those entering the labour market during …