Faculty Speak
July 17, 2024 2025-02-26 10:08Faculty Speak
Faculty Speak
Faculty Speak
Why West Bengal in 2026 Is an Uncertain Dream for the BJP
While BJP banks on the faces of its New Delhi leadership in the state, the youth’s attention to CPI(M) could help it chart a path...
India’s manufacturing under-performance Part 1: New clue from multi-plants
One of the most intriguing and relatively undocumented developments of the last 20 yrs has been “multi-plants,” whereby a single firm operates not one but...
India’s manufacturing under-performance Part 2: New clue from multi-plants
In multi-plant units, flexibility in hiring & firing labour comes from fact of having many plants. In single plants, there is no such flexibility, which...
Why punitive population-control measures are harmful and distract from the real problem – inequality
Higher fertility rates are a symptom of underdevelopment rather than the cause of it.
The Mythical Population Problem and the Actual Worries
It must be kept in mind that resources of the country are not a static entity entirely, and it increases as demographic dividend is reaped.
Kinnow Harvest
High operational costs, market uncertainties, and ineffective institutional support make kinnow farming a risky venture, pushing farmers to choose paddy cultivation, which is considered a...
What promises should Budget 2024-25 hold for agriculture sector?
The Interim Budget for 2024-25 scheduled to be tabled on February 1, 2024 carries significant importance, not only for the ruling government but also for...
The unabated paddy monoculture of Punjab
Market fluctuations and a lack of economically viable alternatives is forcing farmers in Punjab to continue cultivating paddy, despite the presence of high-yielding crops such...
Workplace Maternity Benefits Elude 94% Working Indian Women
Women’s labour force participation rates fall when they have young children, with childcare cited as a key factor keeping them out of the workforce. New...
What NFHS-5 reveals about menstrual health and hygiene practices
Women belonging to India’s minority communities follow and observe better menstrual health and hygiene compared to their counterparts in the majority community.
India’s suboptimal use of its labour power
The economy continues to engage a majority in low quality work, which has larger macroeconomic growth repercussions. A vast majority of Indians earn the entirety...
Quantity vs Quality: Long-term Trends in Job Creation in the Indian Labour Market
Employment and wage trends since the mid-1990s have seen 3 phases of growth. In the 3rd period, since 2017–18, the ‘quantity’ of employment has grown....
Entering during an economic crisis: Labour market trajectories of young Indian workers
Economic downturns can have lasting and ‘scarring’ effects on career trajectories. Using data from India, this column finds only a marginal difference in the likelihood...
Understanding Policy through Economic History
This student-friendly book admirably accomplishes its task of helping the reader understand economic policy changes in India since 1947. It suggests reforms helped the urban...
Analysing the rising gap in incomes
Using data from the 2017-18 and 2022-23 rounds of the Periodic Labour Force Survey, this article examines the changes in income inequality amongst all income...
On unemployment in Indian States
This analysis looks at unemployment in the major States of India — excluding the Union Territories —among individuals aged 15 and above, utilising data from...
Does inequality lead to growth? | Explained
Several argue that inequality harms democratic processes. Some inequality, others argue, is actually beneficial, since it acts as an incentive to entrepreneurs to start businesses....
The problem with billionaire consumption
Modern societies have granted capitalists the right to profit, but cannot extract from them a duty to invest, specifically during times of economic recessions. In...
On monetary policy and financial markets
The recent rapid turnarounds in global markets have come on the back of attempts by central banks to combat the problems of inflation and repressed...
आरक्षण मिळालं, पुढे काय? | Dr. Sumit Mhaskar | Behind The Scenes
‘Caste census not poll issue for OBCs’: Sumeet Mhasker on reservation, Hindutva | What’s Your Ism
Anurag Thakur’s Caste Remark, SC Upholds SC/ST Sub-Classification & Crumbling Infrastructure
Back to Balasaheb
In Maharashtra, BJP’s pluses are its two terms at the Centre & a resource-rich campaign. Its problem is fashioning a state-level Hindutva-nativist narrative Without invoking Bal...
Workplace Maternity Benefits Elude 94% Working Indian Women
New Delhi: India has amongst the most progressive laws on maternity benefits. But a large majority of India’s workforce is engaged in informal work. Further, the...
Tomorrow’s budget of the Modi 3.o government is important in two ways. First, the NDA government has been in power for the last two terms,...
एमएसएमई सेक्टर में है रोजगार बढ़ाने की क्षमता, फाइनेंस और टेक्नोलॉजी की कमी दूर करने से होगा इसका विस्तार
समावेशी विकास के रास्ते भारत को विकसित देश बनाने में छोटे-मझोले उद्योगों (एमएसएमई) की अहम भूमिका है। विशेषज्ञ तो यहां तक कहते हैं कि एमएसएमई...
सेमीकंडक्टर जैसे आधुनिक क्षेत्र के साथ अधिक रोजगार वाले मैन्युफैक्चरिंग सेक्टर पर फोकस से होगा समावेशी विकास
आत्मनिर्भरता के लिए मैन्युफैक्चरिंग जरूरी है। जब दुनिया जलवायु संकट से निपटने में लगी है तो आत्मनिर्भरता भी आधुनिक टेक्नोलॉजी पर आधारित होनी चाहिए। हाल...
Demographic Dividend का लाभ उठाने के लिए शिक्षा, स्किल और रोजगार की क्वालिटी सुधारनी पड़ेगी
भारत अभी दुनिया का सबसे युवा देश है और यही इसका डेमोग्राफिक डिविडेंड है। यहां के नागरिकों की औसत उम्र 28.4 साल है लेकिन इसका...
हर वर्ग और क्षेत्र का विकास होने पर कम होंगी पर्यावरण और माइग्रेशन जैसी चुनौतियां
विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार समावेशी विकास का तरीका अपनाने से संसाधन और अवसर सबके लिए समान रूप से उपलब्ध होंगे वर्कफोर्स की स्किल और जॉब मार्केट...
समृद्ध देश बनने के लिए अच्छी शिक्षा व स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं, क्वालिटी रोजगार और मजबूत इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर जरूरी
विकास समाज के हर वर्ग गांव-शहर और छोटे-बड़े उद्योग सबके लिए होना चाहिए। इसके बिना विकास न स्थायी होगा न स्थिर और सस्टेनेबल होगा। समृद्ध...
Mothers and the Labour Market: Why India Needs to Re-Imagine Child Care Now
The conflict of work and childcare for mothers compels them to remain out of the labour market. It is time for fresh dialogue on this....
डेमोग्राफिक डिविडेंड के लिए सिर्फ 15 साल का समय बचा, इसलिए बेहतर उच्च शिक्षा के साथ रोजगार सृजन में तेजी जरूरी
सरकार के आंकड़े बताते हैं कि 15 से 29 साल के युवाओं में बेरोजगारी दर पांच साल में कम हुई है। यह 2017-18 में 17.8%...
महिला सशक्तीकरण पर फोकस बढ़ने के नतीजे सकारात्मक, लेकिन उन्हें बराबरी पर लाने के लिए ढांचागत बदलाव करने पड़ेंगे
बीते कुछ दशकों में महिला सशक्तीकरण पर फोकस बढ़ा है। इसका नतीजा हम शिक्षा का स्तर बढ़ने लेबर फोर्स में महिलाओं की भागीदारी बढ़ने और...
SC sub-classification: Criminalising Dalit beneficiaries is not the way forward
It may be true that certain Scheduled Castes have benefitted more, but there are several problems with using words such as ‘appropriation’ or ‘cornering’ because...
Opinion: Telangana as women’s welfare state
Previous BRS govt’s schemes including Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak, KCR Kits, and pension for single women and beedi workers helped boost women’s empowerment and...
How economics can make IPL auction fairer
IPL is a lab for experimenting with fair price discovery systems. So Ravichandran Ashwin’s recent warning against reinstating the right to match rule should be...
AI is sexist. Here’s how
Written by Prachi Bansal We were nearing the end of semester for my third-year undergraduate students of economics. One lecture on gender inequality in India...
A vegetable triumvirate, inflation and the takeaway
The volatility and importance of tomato, onion, and potato in shaping inflation trends highlight the need for the need for effective policy interventions and a...
Indians vulnerable to climate change-induced health issues
More than half of India’s population, living in 344 districts, face high or very high health vulnerability induced by climate change. People are increasingly being...
Protecting the vulnerable from monsoon’s flood of diseases
While much of India was reeling under intense and prolonged heat, the tiny northeastern state of Sikkim recently faced flash floods that left nine people dead and...
Budget 2024: Not much to cheer for health sector
There’s nothing much to cheer for the health sector in the Budget. The National Health Mission is left out from the list of flagship schemes!...
Rise in public health spending due to States, not Centre
Public spending on health in India has historically remained low. Recently, many think tanks claimed that India, which has always spent a little more than...
Why punitive population-control measures are harmful and distract from the real problem – inequality
Higher fertility rates are a symptom of underdevelopment rather than the cause of it. The ghost of population control was resurrected yet again last year...
The Mythical Population Problem and the Actual Worries
Thomas Robert Malthus in his seminal essay written in 1798, An Essay on the Principle of Population, postulated that large population is a problem for nations, as...
On unemployment in Indian States
This analysis looks at unemployment in the major States of India — excluding the Union Territories —among individuals aged 15 and above, utilising data from...
India can do more to protect workers in war zones
Originally published on April 29th, 2024 Ironclad regulations for migrants in conflict zones are preferable to the current piecemeal approach. Migrants tend to ignore risks...
Is the Modi Magic on the Wane?
Originally published on 1st May, 2024 Political pundits say that the prime minister resorted to anti-Muslim hate speech instead of listing out his 10-year rule...