B.A.; M.A. (Tel-Aviv University);
Ph.D. (Tel-Aviv University)
Assistant Professor
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B.A.; M.A. (Tel-Aviv University);
Ph.D. (Tel-Aviv University)
Dr. Ricki Levi received her doctoral degree at the Department of Environmental Studies, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel- Aviv University. Her dissertation topic is “The Environmental Gandhi,” where she researches Indian Environmentalists such as Anupam Mishra, Vandana Shiva, and Rajni Bakshi as Gandhian environmental practical interpretations. In 2014, Ricki interviewed senior Indian environmental scholars and activists, such as Vandana Shiva, Anupam Mishra, and Rajni Bakshi, and explored water reservoirs across India. Additionally, she worked as an intern at Navdanya BijaVidyapeeth, Vandana Shiva’s research center, and an ecological farm in Dehradun.
The results of her study in India were presented at conferences and workshops in Israel, India, Germany, and Ireland and published in a peer-reviewed journal, Transcience: A Journal of Global Studies, and in three book chapters: in Global Water Ethics: Towards a Water Ethics Charter, Routledge: London, Epistemologies of Water in Asia, Routledge: London and Water and Sacred Architecture, Routledge: New York.
During the Summer Semester of 2018, she received a research scholarship at Freie Universitat Berlin. Between (2015-2019) Ricki worked as a teaching assistant at the Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel-Aviv University, and as a Research Assistant at Israel’s National Natural Resources Assessment Program. For more than a decade, from 2009-2020, she taught, developed, and managed innovative environmental education programs for Israel’s private and public sectors.