
B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. (University of Delhi)

Prof. (Dr.) Kumar Manish

Associate Professor, Associate Dean - Academic Affairs & Associate Dean - Admissions and Outreach

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ORCID ID 0000-0002-0373-0426
Key Expertise Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Evolution, Himalaya, Sustainable Development

B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. (University of Delhi)


Dr. Kumar Manish is an Associate Professor at the Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability, O.P. Jindal Global University. Dr. Manish specializes in Ecological Modelling, Biostatistics, Biodiversity, Biogeography, Landscape Ecology, Plant Ecology, and Environmental Management. He was awarded the Rai Kedar Nath Gold Medal for securing overall 2nd Rank in the University of Delhi in B.Sc. (H) Botany and University Gold Medal for securing the 1st Rank in the University of Delhi in M.Sc. Environmental Studies. He has been a DST INSPIRE Research Fellow (JRF and SRF) during 2012-2017. His Ph.D. work attempted to investigate the factors influencing the origin and evolution of endemic Himalayan flora and study the differential impacts of climate change on biodiversity, human livelihoods, agriculture, and sustainability in the Himalayan ecosystems. His investigations showed that the origin and diversification of endemic flora in the Himalayas have been driven by changes in geological, geomorphological, and climatic factors over the past millions of years. Dr. Manish’s ecological models showed that about 16-18% of endemic plant species would go extinct in the Himalayas by 2050-2070 as a result of climate change. In addition, his research also suggested that the current protected area network would be inefficient in conserving the Himalayan biodiversity in future climate change scenarios and hence would need redefining and fresh planning. The findings of Dr. Manish’s research have been published in prestigious high-impact international journals such as Biological Conservation, Ecological Informatics, Ecological Processes, Plant Ecology & Diversity, Frontiers of Biogeography, Frontiers of Ecology & Evolution, Peer J, Journal of Plant Research, PloS ONE, BioScience, Environmental Management, etc. Dr. Manish has also presented this research works at many international conferences and seminars including at Harvard University (USA), University of Wisconsin (USA), Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew, London), Taipei University (Taiwan), etc.

Climate Change and Policy (Core)

Ecology and Evolution (Core)

Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment (Core)

Waste Management: Sustainable Practices (Core)

Biodiversity and Conservation (Core)

Natural Resource Economics (Core)

Climate and Environmental Modelling (Elective)

Biostatistics (Elective)

Global Environmental Refugees (Elective)

Quantitative Skills and Data Analysis in Environmental Studies (Elective)

(University 2nd Rank Award in B.Sc Hons., 2009)

(Rai Kedar Nath Gold Medal, 2009)

(University Gold Medal Masters, 2011)

(UGC National Eligibility Test NET, 2011)



Arora J, Manish K, Nautiyal DC, Lakhanpaul S, Pandit MK (2024) Changes in vegetation composition and structure following landslide-induced disturbance in the Himalaya. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japb.2024.06.005.

Bhatt JP, Tiwari S, Manish K, Pandit MK (2024) Distribution patterns of planktonic and benthic fauna and their drivers along the Himalayan elevational gradients. In: Biodiversity Hotspot of the Himalaya. Apple Academic Press. pp. 191-214).

Arora J, Lakhanpaul S, Manish K, Pandit MK (2024) Genome size data for eight endemic plant species from the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (Western Himalaya). Data in Brief 54:110450.

Nautiyal DC, Manish K (2024) Anthropogenic disturbance produces divergent effects in the community structure and composition of tropical semi-evergreen forests in the Eastern Himalaya. BioRisk 22:1-15.

Bhatt JP, Manish K (2024) Hydroelectric projects and wildlife hunting in Northeast India: A conservation perspective. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 8: 134-148.

Pandit MK, Manish K, Singh G, Chowdhury A (2023) Hydropower: A low-hanging sour-sweet energy option for India. Heliyon 9: e17151

Bhatt JP, Manish K (2023) A review on the threatened species of snow trout Schizothorax richardsonii Gray, 1832 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae): From the climate change and conservation perspectives. Indian Journal of Fisheries 70: 148-155

Manish K (2022) Medicinal plants in peril due to climate change in the Himalaya. Ecological Informatics 68: 101546

Manish K, Pandit MK, Sen S (2022) Inferring the factors for origin and diversifications of endemic Himalayan flora using phylogenetic models. Modeling Earth Systems & Environment 8: 2591–2598

Manish K (2021) Species richness, phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic structure patterns of exotic and native plants along an elevational gradient in the Himalaya. Ecological Processes 10: 1-13

Manish K, Pandit MK (2019) Identifying conservation priorities for plant species in the Himalaya in current and future climates: A case study from Sikkim Himalaya, India. Biological Conservation 233: 176-184

Manish K (2019) Macro–Ecological Patterns and Drivers of Himalayan Plant Species Diversity and Distribution through the Ages. Frontiers of Biogeography 11(2).

Thomas A, Das S, Manish K (2019). Influence of stream habitat variables on distribution and abundance of tadpoles of the endangered Purple frog, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Anura: Nasikabatrachidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 12: 144-151

Manish K, Pandit MK (2018) Geophysical upheavals and evolutionary diversification of plant species in the Himalaya. Peer J 6: e5919.

Manish K, Pandit MK (2018) Phylogenetic diversity, structure and diversification patterns of endemic plants along the elevational gradient in the Eastern Himalaya. Plant Ecology & Diversity 11: 501-513

Manish K (2017) Book Review: Life in the Himalaya: An Ecosystem at Risk. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5: 112

Manish K, Pandit MK, Telwala Y, Nautiyal DC, Koh, LP, Tiwari S (2017) Elevational plant species richness patterns and their drivers across non–endemics, endemics and growth forms in the Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Plant Research 130: 829-844

Manish K, Telwala Y, Nautiyal DC, Pandit MK (2016) Modelling the impacts of future climate change on plant communities in the Himalaya: a case study from Eastern Himalaya, India. Modeling Earth Systems & Environment 2:92

Bhatt JP, Manish K, Mehta R, Pandit MK (2016) Assessing potential conservation and restoration areas of freshwater fish fauna in the Indian river basins. Environmental Management 57:1098-111

Pandit MK, Manish K, Koh LP (2014) Dancing on the roof of the world: Ecological transformation of the Himalayan landscape. BioScience 64: 980–992

Telwala Y, Brook BW, Manish K, Pandit MK (2013) Climate–induced elevational range shifts and increase in plant species richness in a Himalayan biodiversity epicentre. PLoS ONE 8:e57103

Bhatt JP, Manish K, Pandit MK (2012) Elevational gradients in fish diversity in the Himalaya: water discharge is the key driver of distribution patterns. PLoS ONE 7: e46237
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0373-0426
Key Expertise Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Evolution, Himalaya, Sustainable Development
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