JSES has state-of-the-art facilities to conduct experiments and practicals related to environmental biology, environmental chemistry, water pollution, soil chemistry, behavioural ecology and environmental biology. We train the students on using on-site water quality monitoring kits to test water and soil quality parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Sulfite, Iron, Chloride, Hardness, Alkalinity, soil moisture, soil texture and soil NPK. For training students in behavioral ecology we use standard sound recorder systems and observational settings. In environmental biology practicals, we use DNA extraction kits and train the students to study chromosomal patterns, phytoplankton and phytobenthos diversity. The GIS and Remote Sensing
Practicals are conducted in the GIS Lab where we can access QGIS software. Besides these, in all the courses, we train the students to use software like R, R Studio, Past, CANOCO, MaxEnt, etc. for analysing environmental data