
Ph.D. (VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur)

M.B.A. (University of Calcutta)

M.Com. (University of Calcutta)

B.Com. (University of Calcutta)

NET-JRF (UGC) in Commerce and NET (UGC) in Management

Dr. Sudipta Majumdar

Assistant Professor

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ORCID ID 0000-0003-3975-2034
Key Expertise Behavioral Corporate Finance, Fund Managers’ Behavior, Social Network Analysis in Financial Markets, Asset Pricing, and Investment Decision Making

Ph.D. (VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur)

M.B.A. (University of Calcutta)

M.Com. (University of Calcutta)

B.Com. (University of Calcutta)

NET-JRF (UGC) in Commerce and NET (UGC) in Management


Dr. Sudipta Majumdar is Assistant Professor in the Finance & Accounting Area at the Jindal School of Banking and Finance (JSBF), OP Jindal Global University (JGU), Sonipat, Haryana. Currently, he teaches courses on ‘Finance and Technology’, ‘Financial and Management Accounting’. He has earned his Ph.D. on ‘behavioral corporate finance’ from Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. His thesis delves into the intricate dynamics of how the fund managers’ personal characteristics and social network influence the fund performance and subsequent long and short-term persistence. His research interests include behavioral corporate finance, fund managers’ behavior, social network analysis in financial markets, asset pricing, and investment decision-making. His scholarly contributions manifest through publications in esteemed international journals and presentations at prominent Indian conferences. During his doctoral tenure, Dr. Majumdar served as a Teaching Assistant for courses offered by NPTEL under the aegis of MHRD, Government of India. 

Dr. Majumdar’s teaching interests include Financial Technology, Financial Modelling, Corporate Finance, Behavioral and Personal Finance, Financial Markets, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Strategic Cost and Management Accounting, and Financial Accounting.

Core: FinTech and Digital Payments, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Emerging Technologies: Impact on Future of Busines

Prestigious 'UGC JRF Fellowship' from UGC, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India for pursuing Ph.D in 2018

Prestigious 'Order of Merit' for securing First Class-Fifth Rank in M.Com in 2015

Majumdar, S., Mishra, A. K., & Chandra, A. (2024). Do fund managers’ performance rely on gender and team size? Evidence from India. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 102094. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2024.102094

Majumdar, S. & Chandra, A. (2024). Behavioral Traits of Fund Managers: A Systematic Literature Review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. (Accepted/ In-Press)

Majumdar, S., Mishra, A. K. and Chandra, A. (2024), ‘Do Bank-Affiliated Fund Managers Outperform? Role of FII and Investors’ Sophistication’. 6th International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Department of Management Studies and Industrial Engineering, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, July 6-7, 2024.

Majumdar, S. Kundu, S., Bose, S. & Chandra, A. (2023). Network Nexus: Exploring the Impact of Alumni Connections of Managers on Mutual Fund Performance in India. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10690-023-09435-6.

Majumdar, S. Mishra, R. K., & Chandra, A. (2023). Fund Characteristics, Managerial Skills and Performance Persistence: Evidence from India. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10690-023-09417-8.

Majumdar, S., Kundu, S. and Chandra, A. (2023), ‘The Interplay between Fund Managers’ Social Network and Mutual Fund Performance’. ISDSI- Global Conference 2023, IIM Ranchi, India, December 26-29, 2023.

Majumdar, S., Kundu, S., Chandra, A. (2023), ‘Does the Social Network of Fund Managers impact the Mutual Fund Performance?’. India Finance Conference 2023, N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India, December 21-23, 2023.

Majumdar, S., Chandra, A. (2023), ‘Where do successful Fund Managers come from? Evidence on Fund Manager’s Skills, Characteristics, and Performance’. 5th International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, July 6-8, 2023.

Majumdar, S., Bose, S. (2023), ‘Do Personal Characteristics affect Fund Manager’s Alpha?’. 9th Management Doctoral Colloquium and VGSoM Research Scholars’ Day, VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur, February 1-2, 2023. [Won the Best Paper Award].

Majumdar, S. (2022). Resilience in Digital Payments Landscape in India in The Backdrop of COVID-19 Pandemic. The Chartered Accountant Journal, 70 (12), 1513-1519. DOI: https://resource.cdn.icai.org/70559cajournal-june2022-19.pdf.

Majumdar, S., Chandra, A. (2022), ‘Fund Managers’ Characteristics, Behavioural Biases, and Fund Performance’. 15th Doctoral Thesis Virtual Conference, IBS Hyderabad, November 29-30, 2022.

Majumdar, S. (2021), ‘Financial and Behavioral Determinants of Fund Performance: A Review’. 7th Management Doctoral Colloquium and VGSoM Research Scholars’ Day, VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur, February 3-4, 2021.

Majumdar, S. (2021). Emergence of Triple Entry Accounting in the Backdrop of Blockchain Technology: A Conceptual Study. The Management Accountant Journal, 56(11), 68-71. DOI: 10.33516/maj.v56i11.68- 71p.
ORCID ID 0000-0003-3975-2034
Key Expertise Behavioral Corporate Finance, Fund Managers’ Behavior, Social Network Analysis in Financial Markets, Asset Pricing, and Investment Decision Making
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