On February 25, 2020, SLCE screened the critically acclaimed documentary film Iron Khan (2017). The screening was followed by an interactive and stimulating discussion with the Producer of the film, Suril Desai from Showreal Productions.
Written and directed by Naseer Khanday, the film captures the journey through 7 years of a man’s life, his coming of age during the peak of militancy in Kashmir and his struggle for survival in the face of utter precarity and violence.
About the film:
Parvez Khan Alias “Iron Khan" aka ‘Raja’ was an Area Commander of JKLF (Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front) in the early Nineties fighting an armed rebellion against India for Freedom. His younger brother Tariq Khan was killed by a rival Pro-Pakistani group and that is when he decided to live a non-violent life for the future of his family. He started a backpacker’s lodge in the skiing village of Gulmarg, apopular tourist destination for travellers. Parvez dedicates his life to peace, the well-being of his family and channels his energy in cooking for people. The film travels back and forth between the years 2010 - 2017 registering events that evolve and shape the future of its various characters.