
GUEST LECTURE on Rights of Persons with Mental Illness and Responsibilities of Duty Bearers under the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Jindal School of Public Health and Human Development

Room No
Languages English
Key Expertise

Mental health regulations play a crucial role in shaping mental healthcare. The Government of India first enacted the Mental Health Act of 1987, which was later replaced by the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017. This updated legislation marked a significant shift in India's mental health policies, focusing on protecting the rights of individuals with mental illness and improving access to treatment. The 2017 Act prioritizes patient rights, including access to healthcare, the right to make informed treatment decisions, and the right to live within the community. It reframes mental illness as a health issue, fostering a more compassionate, rights-based approach free from stigma. The Act also outlines the responsibilities of duty bearers, such as ensuring the availability of mental health facilities, training professionals, and raising awareness. This guest lecture will highlight key aspects of the Act through a rights-based lens, emphasizing the obligations of various stakeholders in creating a more inclusive mental healthcare system.

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Published Date 26-10-2024
Category Events
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