
B.A. (University of Delhi);

M.A. (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi);

M.Phil.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Dr. Sriti Ganguly

Assistant Professor

Email sganguly@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 0000-0001-5233-2953
Key Expertise urban sociology, gender, social stratification, youth cultures, mothering and motherhood

B.A. (University of Delhi);

M.A. (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi);

M.Phil.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)


Sriti Ganguly is an Assistant Professor at the School of Liberal Arts and Humanities at JGU. Her research interests include urban sociology, sociology of education, mothering practices and youth cultures. Her doctoral research from Jawaharlal Nehru University focused on studying the heterogeneity among the urban poor of Delhi and explored how education becomes a marker of differentiation and distinction. She is currently leading two studies on gender, mobility and urban space in collaboration with Dr. Smriti Singh (Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India).

She is also co-leading a research constellation on digital cultures and media studies at the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies at O.P. Jindal Global University. She has published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education, Economic and Political Weekly, Contemporary Education Dialogue and contributed chapters to edited volumes published by Routledge.

She has also contributed to the development of course material for Introductory Sociology and Sociology of Education courses offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi.

Society, Space and Culture (Core)

Interdisciplinary Seminar 3: Participatory Research in Communities (Core)

Indian Society (Core)

Contemporary Indian Society: Old and New Predicaments (Core)

Schools, Classrooms and Curriculum: Sociological Perspectives on Education (Elective)

Thinking about the Field (Core)

Interdisciplinary Seminar 1: Self and the world (Core)

A project on gender, transport and mobility in Delhi in collaboration with Dr. Smriti Singh (Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Technology) funded by Delhi Knowledge Development Foundation (DKDF).


Forthcoming (co-authored with Riddhi Bhandari). 2024. "Cutting through the Fog: Imagining Change through Women’s Complaints in Kohrra." Anthropological Quarterly, Winter 2024 issue.

2024. Forthcoming Chapter ‘In search of ‘good’ education: Exploring parental school choices, perceptions and evaluations in a low-income neighbourhood of Delhi’ in Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Book Series, Emerald Insight.

2024. The promise of city and education: exploring aspirations on the margins of Delhi. Under review with Contemporary South Asia.

2024. So Long as Equality is Elusive: Lessons for Education of Dalits from Ambedkar's Life and Work (co-authored with Smriti Singh) under review with Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory.

2024: ‘Charity, Money and Respect’: Narratives, Assertions and Negotiations of Women in Multilevel Marketing Scheme in Delhi under review with Feminist Anthropology

2023. Chapter titled “Samaj and Sangat: Parental Construction of Children’s Poor Educational Attainments in a Caste-based Segregated Settlement” in Social Context of Learning, Routledge.

2023. (With Ruchika Arora) Gleaming metropolis: Who is swept aside in Delhi’s quest to become a world-class city? [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine. https://thesociologicalreview.org/magazine/december-2023/mess/gleaming-metropolis/

2023. (with Riddhi Bhandari). Book Review– "Lies Our Mothers Told Us: The Indian Woman’s Burden", by Nilanjana Bhowmick. LSE Review of Books, March 6. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/2023/03/06/book-review-lies-our-mothers-told-us-the-indian-womans-burden-by-nilanjana-bhowmick/

2022. ‘Not like me’: educational aspirations and mothering in an urban poor neighbourhood in India. In British Journal of Sociology of Education.

2022. Devil makes work for idle hands: Time management and social status in an Indian ‘slum’ The SociologicalReviewMagazine. https://thesociologicalreview.org/magazine/march-2022/time/devil-makes-work-for-idle-hands/

2022. “To a life of the mind”: Remembering bell hooks and her writings on education as the practice of freedom Café dissensus https://cafedissensuseveryday.com/2022/06/07/to-a-life-of-the-mind-remembering-bell-hooks-and-her-writings-on-education-as-the-practice-of-freedom/

2021. Chapter titled ‘In the pursuit of middle-classness: Exploring the aspirations and strategies of the urban poor in neoliberal Delhi’ in Beyond Consumption: India’s new middle class in the neo liberal times, edited by Manisha K. Jha and Pushpendra. Routledge.

2021. Sociological Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Redefining the Normal Edited by Gopi Devdutt Tripathy, Anurita Jalan and Mala Kapur Shankardass. Doingsociology

2020 Bulbbul: From Toe Rings to Iron Rods, India’s Obsession With ‘Controlling’ its Women. The New Leam

2020. 'Virus': A Fitting Ode to Kerala's Battle Against the 2018 Nipah Outbreak. The Wire

2018. Special Article titled “Caste based segregation in urban spaces: patterns of settlement and experiences of socio-spatial stigma among Balmikis in Delhi” in Economic and Political Weekly, 53(50).

2018. “Social Construction of a Segregated Urban Space and its Effects on Education: A case study of the Balmikis of Delhi” in Contemporary Education Dialogue, 15(1).

2018. Co-authored with S. Srinivasa Rao and Roma Ranu Dash “Widening Marginality in Access to Primary Education in Tribal Areas: Impact of School Closures and the Policy of Rationalisation” in International Journal of Indigenous & Marginalised Affairs.

2014. Co-authored with Arvind Kumar “The Nandy Conundrum” Economic and Political Weekly, 49(11).
Email sganguly@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0001-5233-2953
Key Expertise urban sociology, gender, social stratification, youth cultures, mothering and motherhood
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