
B.S. (Kookmin University)

M.S. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)



Prof.(Dr.) Kiljae Ahn


Email kiljae@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise Architecture Design, Smart Space Design Advanced CAD – BIM, Real-time Visualizing(CG, Extended Reality), Digital Technology – Photogrammetry, Parametric Design, Rapid Prototyping Architectural Planning and Design, Urban Green Network, Sustainable Engineering, BIM, Architectural-ICT technology such as 3D printing, 3D Scan, Photogrammetry, Drone, Extended Reality,

B.S. (Kookmin University)

M.S. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)




Dr. Giljae Ahn believes that architecture is the field where the use of new technologies and applying to the real world should be studied together. He aims to study the application methods of architectural design and construction through a combination of ICT technologies such as 3D Scan, Rapid prototyping, Drone.

He obtained a Ph.D. from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Doctor Thesis is about the urban green composition of the metropolitan area in Tokyo, Japan from the architectural scale to the urban scale using direct sensing to remote sensing.

He has taught the Graduate School of Techno-design Kookmin University(S.Korea) as Assistant Professor) prior to JGU

His interests range from architectural design to urban green networks, Sustainable Technologies, and Architectural-ICT applications.

He enjoys finding new ideas and research themes in actively using IT gadgets in his daily life.

2022 – Present Development of the smart and sustainable house prototype (Private Sector, India)

Development of Intelligent (AI) management support system based on extended reality (XR) for on-site support of construction field and remote collaboration (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

Kiljae Ahn,Dae-Sik Ko, A Study on Reconstruction of 3-Dimensional Spatial Model Based on Photogrammetry Using V-World and Its Use as Urban 3D Content, pp 119-126

Kiljae Ahn,Dae-Sik Ko, Implementation and Feasibility Test of the Mixed Reality Service Platform for Application of Architectural Field, JKIIT, Vol.17, No.1, pp.149-156

2019 – Kiljae Ahn,Dae-Sik Ko, Implementation and Feasibility Test of the Mixed Reality Service Platform for Application of Architectural Field, JKIIT, Vol.17, No.1, pp.149-156

Kiljae Ahn,Dae-Sik Ko, Sang-Hoon Gim, A Study on the Architecture of Mixed Reality Application for Architectural Design Collaboration, ACIT 2018: Applied Computing and Information Technology, Springer pp 48-61

Kiljae Ahn,Dae-Sik Ko, Sang-Hoon Gim, Case Study of Mixed Reality Technology in Architecture, Proceedings of The International Workshop on Future Technology pp110-112(2017.6)

Kiljae Ahn, A study on extension pattern of the urban green in city blocks, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Engineering, 2012.

Kiljae Ahn, The Urban Green Volume and Its surroundings: Case study in Jiyugaoka Area, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Engineering, 2007.
Email kiljae@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Architecture Design, Smart Space Design Advanced CAD – BIM, Real-time Visualizing(CG, Extended Reality), Digital Technology – Photogrammetry, Parametric Design, Rapid Prototyping Architectural Planning and Design, Urban Green Network, Sustainable Engineering, BIM, Architectural-ICT technology such as 3D printing, 3D Scan, Photogrammetry, Drone, Extended Reality,
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