Jindal Initiative on Research in IP and Competition


Prof. (Dr.) Gupta becomes the editor for International Review of Law Computers & Technology.


Prof. (Dr.) Indranath Gupta becomes editing a special issue for the forthcoming edition of International Review of Law Computers & Technology published by Taylor & Francis.

Prof. Avirup Bose from JIRICO quoted in Business Standard.

19th February, 2019

Professor Avirup Bose from JIRICO has been quoted in the Business Standard. Details here.

Article published by JIRICO members cited by The Court of Justice, European Union.

September, 2015

Article published by JIRICO members has been cited by the Court of Justice, European Union in the Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 5 March 2015, Copydan Båndkopi v Nokia Danmark A/S. Case C-463/12. Refer to the article here.


Prof. (Dr.) Manveen Singh was invited as a panelist at a webinar organized by IPR Chair, PSCST

9th Oct, 2020

Prof. (Dr.) Manveen Singh was invited as a panelist by a webinar organized by IPR Chair, Panjab University and Punjab State Council for Science and Technology (PSCST), Chandigarh to speak on the topic Challenges in Licensing of SEPs on FRAND Terms.

Prof. (Dr.) Manveen Singh was invited as a speaker at webinars organized by South Asian University.

25th and 18th Sep, 2020

Prof. (Dr.) Manveen Singh was invited as a speaker by webinars organized by South Asian University on Seeking Injunctive Relief in FRAND Disputes: Whether Anti-Competitive & Discerning FRAND in SEP Licensing respectively.

Prof. (Dr.) Vishwas Devaiah was invited as a panelist at a webinar organized by DPIIT Chair on IPR,NLU Delhi

11th Sep, 2020

Prof. (Dr.) Vishwas Devaiah was invited as a panelist by a webinar organized by DPIIT Chair, NLU Delhi to speak on the topic The Global Implications of Unwired Planet v. Huawei: Lessons for India's Evolving SEP Jurisprudence.


Book edited by JIRICO faculty members appears on the 10 Most Downloaded Books on Springer


Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition Editors: Bharadwaj, Ashish, Devaiah, Vishwas H., Gupta, Indranath (Eds.)appears on the third position in the list of 10 Most Downloaded Books on Springer.

Article by JIRICO faculty appears on the 10 Most Downloaded Journal Articles on Springer


“Introduction to the JGLR special issue on standardization, patents and competition issues: global developments and perspectives” Ashish Bharadwaj, Indranath Gupta, Sunita Tripathy in Jindal Global Law Review appears fifth on the list of 10 Most Downloaded articles on Springer.

Prof.(Dr.) Indranath Gupta granted a Visiting Research Fellowship at CIPPM, Bournemouth.


Prof. Gupta was awarded a Visiting Research Fellowship from Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Intellectual Property and Information Rights. He also delivered a seminar on Liability of internet intermediaries: the Indian experience.


Most Read Article in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice from JIRICO.


The article Shifting focus on hold-out in SEP licensing: perspectives from the EU, USA and India by Indranath Gupta, Vishwas H Devaiah & Shruti Bhushan in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, , appears in the list of Most Read in JIPLP journal.

Prof. (Dr.) Vishwas H. Devaiah and Prof. Avirup Bose are invited to attend “The Russian Competition Week” at Moscow.

24th-27th Sep, 2018

Prof. (Dr.) Vishwas H. Devaiah and Prof. Avirup Bose were invited to attend “The Russian Competition Week” at Moscow.

Prof. (Dr.) Ashish Bharadwaj spoke at TPRC46: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy.

21st-22nd Sep, 2018

Prof. (Dr.) Ashish Bharadwaj will be speaking at TPRC46: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy. He will present a paper on How is India Innovating Technologically and What is the Reliance on the Patent System?