Jindal Initiative on Research in IP and Competition

Selected Publications

  • Journal Articles
  • Book Chapters
  • Edited Books
  • Books
  • Conference Papers
  • Working Papers
  • Responses
  • Opinions Articles
  • Innovation Survey
Journal Articles

Indranath Gupta, What is left of consent when it is deemed consent: A data protection experiment in India, Journal of Data Protection & Privacy, 01 October, 2023(with Paarth Naithani)

Indranath Gupta, Separating Personal Data Protection from Non-personal Data Governance, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 58, Issue No. 36, 09 September, 2023 (With Paarth Naithani)

Indranath Gupta, Evolving Scope of Intermediary Liability in India, International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 06 Januaryn 2023(with Lakshmi Srinivasan)

Manveen Singh, “SEP Licensing in the Automotive Sector: Shifting Gears Too Quickly,” (co-authored with Vishwas H. Devaiah), Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Vol. 18(2), 2023, pp. 122-134.

Manveen Singh, “Standard-Setting Organisations’ IPR Policies: Intellectual Property and Competition Issues,” 1st ed. (Springer Singapore, 2022).

Manveen Singh, “Disclosure Under SSO IPR Policies: A\ Theoretical Perspective,” published in NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, Vol. 11(2), 2022, pp. 63-86.

Indranath Gupta, Right to be forgotten in case of search engines: Emerging trends in India as compared to the EU, Journal of Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 5, Issue 3, 1-13, Dec 2022 (with Paarth Naithani)

Indranath Gupta, An Assessment of the JPC Report on PDP Bill, 2019, Economic and Political Weekly (engage), Volume 57, Issue No. 31, 30 July 2022. (with Paarth Naithani)

Indranath Gupta, IP, Technology and Policy Interventions in India: Creating a Roadmap for the Digital Economy,International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, Routledge (Volume 36, Issue 3, 2022)

Indranath Gupta, Transparent communication under Article 12 of GDPR: Advocating a Standardised Approach for Universal Understandability, Journal of Data Protection & Privacy, Volume 5, No. 2, 2022 (with Paarth Naithani)

Indranath Gupta, No Proactive Monitoring: A Momentary Sigh of Relief for Intermediaries in India, European Intellectual Property Review, 42(8), 524-527, 2020 (with Lakshmi Srinivasan)

Manveen Singh, Tracing the Evolution of Standards and Standard-Setting Organizations in the ICT Era, Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, 24(2), 2020.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Alternate Dispute Resolution in FRAND Licensing Disputes, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, December 2020.

Ashish Bharadwaj, A Comparative Study of the Evolving Jurisprudence on SEP Licensing, Journal of World Intellectual Property, (2020) 23:3-4, Wiley Online.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Srajan Jain, Philips v Bansal & Bhagirathi Electronics: India’s first decision on the infringement of a standard-essential patent, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 346-350.

Indranath Gupta(co-authored), Shielding internet intermediaries from copyright liability-A comparative discourse on safe harbours in Singapore and India, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 2 July 2019.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Exploring the 5G Saga, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 54, Issue 21, 25 May 2019.

Vishwas H. Devaiah (co-authored), The need for healthcare reforms: is no-fault liability the solution to medical malpractice? Asian Bioethics Review journal, Springer Nature Singapore 2019.


Indranath Gupta,Vishwas H. Devaiah, Dipesh A. Jain & Vishal Shrivastava, Trends in Prelicensing Negotiations of Standard Essential Patents, the Journal of World Intellectual Property, Volume 22, Issue 3-4,Pages 120-128, 14 March 2019. 

Ashish Bharadwaj, Environmental Regulations and Patenting in Advanced Environment-Friendly Technologies: Perspectives From Germany, India, China and Brazil, Springer Briefs in Economics, Springer Nature 2018.

Indranath Gupta & Avirup Bose, Hightech andAntitrust: The Importance of Due Process JIRICO Brief, Volume1, Issue 5, May2018.

Indranath Gupta & Vishwas Devaiah, European Commission’s approach to develop a framework to resolve SEP related issues to unlock the potential growth in IoT. JIRICO Brief, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2018.

Indranath Gupta, Vishwas H. Devaiah & Shruti Bhushan, Shifting Focus on Hold-Out Situations in SEP Licensing: Perspectives from EU, US and India, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice,Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 12-17, Oxford University Press (U.K.) 2018. 

Ashish Bharadwaj & Manveen Singh, A Single Spark Can Start A Prairie Fire: Implications of the 2015 Amendments to IEEE-SAs Patent Policy, Capital University Law Review, Volume 46, 2018. 

Ashish Bharadwaj, A Note on the Neglected Issue of Reverse Patent Holdup, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 13, Issue 7, Pages 555–563, Oxford University Press (U.K.) 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up: Recent Applications of Huawei Framework (CJEU 2015) in Germany and Implications for India, John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law, Volume 17, Issue 3, John Marshall Law School (USA), 2018. 

Ameya Pant & Dipesh Jain, Complexities surrounding SEP cases in India: An overview of decisions by the High Court and Competition Commission of India, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 132–142, Oxford University Press (U.K.) 2018.

Manveen Singh, In the Line of Fire: Is Technology Taking Over the Legal Profession, North Carolina Central Law Review, Volume 50, Issue 1, Page 122. 

Dipesh Jain, Substantial determination of FRAND license terms and competition issues by UK high court, Jindal Global Law Review, Volume 8, Pages 231–240, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Introduction to the special issue on ‘Standardization, Patents and Competition Issues: Global Developments and Perspectives’ (co-authored), Jindal Global Law Review. 

Ashish Bharadwaj, Patent Injunction and the Public Interest in India, European Intellectual Property Review, Volume 40, Issue 1, Sweet and Maxwell (U.K.) 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Dipinn Verma, China’s first injunction In Standard Essential Patent Litigation, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 12, Issue 9, Oxford University Press (U.K.) 2018.

Indranath Gupta, Sanjeev P. Sahni & Garima Jain, Understanding digital piracy through the lens of psychosocial, criminological and cultural factors International Journal of Technology Policy and Law, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017. 

Indranath Gupta, Standardization. Patents and Competition Issues: Global Developments and Perspectives, Jindal Global Law Review, Vol.8, No.2, October, 2017.

Natasha Nayak, Enhancing Affordable Pharmaceutical Healthcare: Sourcing Possibilities in Indian Competition Laws Regime, Economic and Political Weekly, 2017.

Sunita Tripathy, Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Competition policy through RCEP: An Indian outlook on the Telecommunication Industry, Economic and Political Weekly.

Sunita Tripathy, Consumer Welfare & Concerns Regarding Accountability for Digital Aggregators: The Case of Amazon India, clubbed as a series of Law and Tech papers as a joint-effort by International professors of Law and technology, at the 2nd Law Schools Global League Academic Conference at Cape Town, South Africa, accepted with Inderscience, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Interim Injunction in Essential Patents in Delhi High Court, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 11, Issue 12, Oxford University Press (U.K.) 2016.

Indranath Gupta & Vishwas H. Devaiah, CJEU decides on private copying levy on detachable memory cards, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016.

Indranath Gupta & Vishwas H. Devaiah, The Database Directive “contracting out” bar: does it apply to unprotected databases? Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 10, Issue 9, 2015.

Indranath Gupta & Vishwas H. Devaiah, The scope of Database Directive: Ryanair v PR Aviation, Court of Justice of the European Union, CaseC-30/14, (Vishwas Devaiah) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (2015)10:9.

Ashish Bharadwaj, “Technological and Socioeconomic Issues in the Global Automobile Industry”, Transportation in Developing Economies, Volume 1, Issue 33, Springer, 2015. 

Ashish Bhardwaj & Martha Diaz Pozo, Intellectual Property Rights and International Competitiveness and Trade, in Processes and Contributions of IPR Systems to Innovation, Innovation Policy Platform, OECD 2015.Ashish Bharadwaj, Combined Uses of Various Intellectual Property Rights, in Processes and Contributions of IPR Systems to Innovation, Innovation Policy Platform, OECD 2015.

Ashish Bharadwaj, IPR Education in India: A Case for Reforms (co-authored),Law & Policy Brief, Volume 1, Issue 3, Jindal Global Law School, 2015.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Is Poverty the Mother of Crime? Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Crime in India, Law & Policy Brief, Volume 1, Issue 3, Jindal Global Law School, 2015.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Reviving the Globalization and Poverty Debate: Effects of Real and Financial Integration on the Developing World” Advances in Economics and Business, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 42-57, 2014. Short-listed by MacMillan Centre of Yale University.

Book Chapters

Sidhartha Chauhan, “Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: Covid-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces” in the report Ethics of Digitalisation- From Principles to Practice, (A Project of the Global Network Of Internet and Society Research Centers (NOC), July 2022).

Ashish Bharadwaj (co-authored), “Regulating Standard Essential Patents in Implementer-Oriented Countries: Insights from India and Japan” in Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition, (Springer, 2018).

Indranath Gupta, Vishwas H. Devaiah, Dipesh A. Jain & Vishal Shrivastava, ” Evolving Huawei Framework: SEPs and Grant of Injunction.” in Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition, (Springer, 2018).

Ashish Bharadwaj, Manveen Singh and Srajan Jain, ” All Good Things Mustn’t Come to an End: Reigniting the Debate on Patent Policy and Standard Setting” in Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition, (Springer, 2018).

Indranath Gupta, “India’s Participatory Role in the Database Debate at WIPO”, in Locating India in the Contemporary

International Legal Orders, Srinivas Burra, Rajesh Babu, R. (eds.), (Springer, 2018). Avirup Bose (co-authored), Procedural Fairness in India , Antitrust Procedural Fairness (ed), Daniel Sokol and Andrew Guzman (eds.), Oxford University Press(UK) 2018.

‘User control in social media: A Case Study of Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat’ in Sanjeev P. Sahni and Garima Jain(eds.) Internet Infidelity: An Interdisciplinary Insight in a Global Context (Springer2018).

Indranath Gupta, Vishwas Devaiah and Dipesh Jain,” CCI’s Investigation of Abuse of Dominance: Adjudicatory Traits in Prima Facie Opinion” in Complications and Quandaries in the ICT Sector: Standard Essential Patents and Competitions Issues (Ashish Bharadwaj, Vishwas H. Devaiah & Indranath Gupta (eds.)).

Sunita Tripathy, “The right to health: Reviewing the trans-pacific partnership agreement from the lens of intellectual property rights” in Adinolfi.G, Baetens.F, Caiado.J, Lupone.A and Micara. A (eds.), International Economic Laws – Contemporary Issues (Springer, 2017).

Indranath Gupta, Sanjeev P. Sahni and Garima Jain, “Alternative measures in curbing Movie and Software Piracy in India” in Cybercrime, Organized Crime and Societal Responses: International Approaches, (Prof. (Dr.) Emilio Viano (ed.)), (Springer, 2016).

Ashish Bharadwaj and Manasi Kumar, “Psychology of Innovation: Innovating Human Psychology”, in Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders, F. Gatzweiler and J. von Braun (eds.), (Springer Switzerland, 2016 (open access)).

Sunita Tripathy,” Bio-patent Pooling and Policy on Health Innovation for Access for Medicines and Health Technologies that treat HIV/AIDS: A need for meeting of (Open) minds” in Perry. M ed., Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: Reflecting Policy Through Change (Springer, 2016).

Edited Books

Indranath Gupta, Relevance of European Studies in Asia (eds.) (with Maria Stoicheva & S.G. Sreejith), Springer, 18 January, 2024 (forthcoming)

Indranath Gupta, Operationalizing Expectations and Mapping Challenges of Information Privacy and Data Protection Measures : A Machine Generated Literature Review, Springer, 13 January, 2024 (forthcoming)

Indranath Gupta, Expectations vs Realities of Information Privacy and Data Protection Measures : A Machine Generated Literature Review, Springer, 24 November, 2023 (forthcoming)

Indranath Gupta (eds.), Handbook on Originality in Copyright: Cases and Materials, (Springer 2023).

Ashish Bharadwaj, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Indranath Gupta, Multidimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition (eds.), (Springer, 2018).

Ashish Bharadwaj, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Indranath Gupta, Complications and Quandaries in the ICT Sector: SEPs and Competition Issues, Springer,2017 (open access).


Indranath Gupta, Three Decades of Consent, Information Privacy and Data Protection – A Machine- generated Overview (Springer, 2023) (forthcoming).

Indranath Gupta, Ashish Bharadwaj & Vishwas Devaiah Locating Legal Certainty in Patent Licensing  (Springer 2022).

Manveen Singh, Standard-Setting Organisations’ IPR Policies: Intellectual Property and Competition Issues, Springer Singapore, 2022)

Ashish Bharadwaj, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Indranath Gupta, Locating Legal Certainty in Patent Licensing, Springer, (2022) (open access).

Conference Papers

Manveen Singh, The IEEE IPR Policy Changes: Legal and Policy Implications, 2023 Berkeley-NYU Symposium on “The Impact of the Patent System on Markets for Technology,” organised by the Classical Liberal Instutute (NYU School of Law), Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, and the Tusher Initiative, Institute of Business Innovation, at the Haas School of Business, UC-Berkeley (CA), 23-24 February 2023

Manveen Singh, SEP Licensing in the Automotive Sector: The New Technological Background, 2022 Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC) organized by Stanford Law School at Stanford University, California (USA) 10-12 August, 2022

Manveen Singh, Importance of Standardization and SSO IPR Policies, in Third International Conference on Innovation for Shared Prosperity: Deliberations on Standard Setting and Patent Licensing, organized by the Jindal Initiative on Research in IP and Competition (JIRICO), New Delhi, India, November, 2017.

Manveen Singh, In the Line of Fire: Is Technology Taking Over the Legal Profession, in Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) Conference 2017, at University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, July, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Myths and Realities of SEPs: Perspectives from India, in Institute for Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2017 Ashish Bharadwaj, Innovation in High Technology: Patent, Antitrust and Policy Considerations in India, in 14th WIPO-WTO IP Teachers Colloquium, in WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland, June, 2017.

Sunita Tripathy, Redefining Innovation 4.0: Shaping a humane fourth industrial revolution in the World Youth Forum at the Munich Conference Series on Ethics in Innovation in Munich at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Germany, June 26 27, 2017.

Sunita Tripathy, Enforceability of No-Challenge Clause in Patent License Agreements at the panel discussion on Patents and Antitrust: Building or Burning Bridges? for the Second International Conference on Standardization, Patents and Competition Issues: Developments and Perspectives in the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, organized by the Jindal Initiative for Research on IP and Competition of the O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University) at The Imperial, New Delhi, June 10-11, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, FRAND litigation in India, in College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan, Israel, June 2017.

Natasha Nayak, Evolution of abuse of dominance jurisprudence in India: Critical reflections Second International Conference on Standardization, Patents and Competition Issues:Developments and Perspectives in the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, New Delhi, June 10-11, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, India’s Innovation Ecosystem, in conference on Universities of the Future: Knowledge, Innovation and Responsibility, at International Institute for Higher Education and Research, O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University), India, March 2017.

Sunita Tripathy, Metric for measuring the vertical restraints resulting from Standard Essential Patent licensing agreements in the Smartphone handsets Industry in India at the panel discussion on Role of Regulatory Agencies and Courtsfor the Jindal-Hoover IP2 (Stanford) International Workshop on Standard Essential Patents and Existing Debates in India – Busting patent myths through evidence organized by the Jindal Initiative for Research on IP and Competition of the O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University), New Delhi, December 18th, 2016.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Incentives for Innovation in India: Preliminary Insights from India InnovationSurvey, in JIRICO Workshop of ‘Busting Patents Myths in the ICT Industry’ in collaboration with Stanford University’s Hoover IP2, New Delhi, December 2016.

Sunita Tripathy, Legal and Policy Obstacles in Innovations and IPRs” at the Global Innovators Dialogue 2016 organized by the Jindal Initiative for Research on IP and Competition of the O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University) on November 12, 2016 at New Delhi.

Manveen Singh, Implications of the 2015 IEEE IPR Policy Amendments, in First International Conference on Innovation for Shared Prosperity: IPRs, Competition and Standard Setting in the ICT Sector, , organized by the Jindal Initiative on Research in IP and Competition (JIRICO), New Delhi, India, August, 2016.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Role of NDAs in Licensing of Standard Essential Patents, in 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (APIC 2016), Fukuoka, Japan, November 2016. Ashish Bharadwaj, India’s Tryst with Technology and Innovation’, in 1st JIRICO Conference on ‘Innovation for Shared Prosperity: IPRs, Competition and Standard Setting in the ICT Industry’,New Delhi, India, August 2016.

Natasha Nayak, Regulatory Intervention and Standard Setting, International Conference on Innovation for Shared Prosperity, organized by JIRICO, O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University), August 19-21, 2016, New Delhi.

Sunita Tripathy, Standard Essential Patent litigations in the Smartphone Industry: A suggestive model for achieving FRAND outcomes in India at the 16th Annual IP Scholar’s Conference Session on: Patent Pools and Standards at Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA, August 11, 2016.

Natasha Nayak, Towards Openness and Competition: Standards for Standards, Unlocking IP To Unleash the Commons, Joint Conference organized by NLSIU and SpicyIP, May 28-29, 2016, Bangalore.

Sunita Tripathy, Patents for Computer Related Inventions at the Roundtable on Patents & IP in IT/ITES Sector: What Do We Know? Organized by the Center for Policy Research, New Delhi, March 22, 2016.

Natasha Nayak, FRAND in India, Works In Progress IP Scholar Colloquium (WIPIP), University ofWashington, Seattle, USA, February 19-20, 2016.

Sunita Tripathy, e-Data and the impact of technology on client confidentiality at the Conference on Ethics and Professional Responsibility in The Indian Legal Profession organised by Jindal Global Law School at New Delhi, November 1, 2015.

Natasha Nayak, Antitrust and IP: Emerging Jurisprudence in India, The Third International Conference on Comparative Lawand Global Common Law the Role of Comparative Law in the development of a Legal System, College of Comparative Law, CUPL, Beijing, China, September 25-26,


Working Papers

Indranath Gupta, Vishwas H. Devaiah, Issues preceding CCI investigation of abuse of dominance in SEP cases: Its relevancy at the stage of initiating investigation against SEP holders , IP² Working Paper No. 17002, Hoover IP2, Stanford University, January 11, 2017.

Avirup Bose, Competition Issues in India’s Online Economy, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi, No. 194, April 7, 2017.



Response submitted by JIRICO to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India, on the 2016 discussion paper on ‘National Digital Communications Policy’. JIRICO welcomes the discussion paper published by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India. We appreciate the initiative taken by the DIPP to create awareness on topical issues relevant to the Indian ICT sector, and to seek comments from the public on the discussion paper. We hope that the DIPP will find our comments useful.


Opinions Articles

Sidharth Chauhan, Smart Contracts:A Competition Law Analysis, meLAWnge: Government Law College, Mumbai, June 2022.

Ashish Bharadwaj (co-authored) ,New FCRA rules strike at non-profits at a time their role has become critical, The Indian Express, December 15, 2020.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Challenges before India, once the pandemic is over, The Week, April 6, 2020.

Shruti Bhushan & Basu Chandola, Out-of-the-box solutions needed, The Pioneer, April 01, 2020.

Ashish Bharadwaj, The next patent frontier beckons, Mail Today, July 10, 2019.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Manveen Singh, The 5G battle is heating up, Mail Today, June 12, 2019.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Manveen Singh, Brace for the next big tech battle, Mail Today, May 22, 2019.

Ashish Bharadwaj, (co-authored), A new framework for IP Policy needed, Mail Today, May 08, 2019.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Two Decades of the Mighty 3GPP , Economic Times, April 01, 2019.

Ashish Bhardwaj, Blockchain tech comes of age, Mail Today, February 28, 2019.

Ashish Bhardwaj, Cracking the Fintech Code: Mail Today, February 13, 2019.

Ashish Bhardwaj, South African IPR Policy: Myopic Vision For Momentary Gain, Business World, December 17, 2018.

Ashish Bhardwaj, Enhancing India’s competitive edge, Financial Express, October 22, 2018.

Avirup Bose, Google penalised: Consumers, innovation are end-victims ,August 02, 2018.

Avirup Bose, Indian Pharma: Think beyond mere price-control,Financial Express ,July 19, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Shruti Bhushan, Pharma pricing: Trade margin rationalisation a game-changer,Financial Express ,June 30, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Punkhuri Chawla, Reward innovation, The Hindu, May 13, 2018 (co-authored).

Ashish Bharadwaj, An economic analysis of justice in corruption cases, The Mint, April 12, 2018 (co-authored).

Ashish Bharadwaj & Shruti Bhushan, IP Market Expansion: Need a robust IPR ecosystem, Financial Express, March 29, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Justice cannot be blind to the economy, The Hindu Business Line, March 27, 2018 (co-authored).

Ashish Bharadwaj, NPPA must balance access with innovation, The Mint, March 20, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj , Price control in healthcare is a misguided policy, BioVoiceNews, February 27, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Look for proof in policymaking, The Hindu, February 04, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Ten legal and policy developments of 2017 in the global mobile communications industry, The Economic Times (ET Telecom Talk), January 18, 2018.

Ashish Bharadwaj , Ill-equipped for a healthy nation, The Economic Times, December 14, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Balancing patents and drug prices,Livemint, November 27, 2017.

Avirup Bose, Why Competition Commission Matters for Investment, Financial Express¸ September 12, 2017).

Avirup Bose, What India needs to develop its own innovative R&D focussed pharma and medical devices sector, Financial Express¸ August 7, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, International evidence suggests we understand, embrace and protect IP rights in India,Financial Express, August 2, 2017 (co-authored).

Ashish Bharadwaj, India’s proposed IP Exchange could help determine quality of patents, Hindustan Times,July 31, 2017 (co-authored).

Avirup Bose, Unfair or abusive? IPR rhetoric in India must be echoed by Competition Commission of India,Financial Express, July 20, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, M2M and GSM are indispensible for IoT-enabled rural development, Economic Times,June 5, 2017 (co-authored).

Ashish Bharadwaj, A robust IPR regime is necessary for growth, The Mint, May 2, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Who is riding the patent char(IoT) in India? Insights from IoT landscape study, Economic Times (ET Telecom Talk), March 14,2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Germany’s experience with SEP injunctions in FRAND disputes: Lessons for India, Economic Times (ET Telecom Talk), February 21 2017.

Avirup Bose, Education: India’s innovation agenda is a work-in-progress, Financial Express, February 10, 2017.

Avirup Bose, To ensure success of Startup India, Digital India, regulators must encourage innovation,Financial Express, January 17, 2017.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Patents on software: India’s CRI guidelines create impractical situation. Financial Express, October 20, 2016.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Safeguarding confidential business information is not anti-competitive, Economic Times,August 11, 2016.

Ashish Bharadwaj, Is the SEP, FRAND debate a battle of diverse business models? Economic Times, May 17, 2016.

Ashish Bharadwaj & Indranath Gupta, Phones that are too smart for the law, The Business Line, April 10, 2016 .

Ashish Bharadwaj, Time to Pause and Rethink: New IEEE Patent Policy and ‘Make in India’, Business Standard, April 05, 2016.

Manveen Singh, Questioning Patents: Goods or Services? Legally India, April 5, 2016.

Avirup Bose, An Act that hinders competitiveness (arguing that the provisions of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, are more coercive than what were required to address market failure), Business Standard, March 31, 2016 (co-authored).

Avirup Bose, Debacle over ‘natural justice (arguing that in a liberal market economy, economic laws should facilitate smoother transactions without having to always resort to courts or judges), Business Standard,January 15, 2016 (co-authored).

Avirup Bose, The emerging FRAND jurisprudence of India – to license or not to license, The Economic Times(ETTelecom.com), December 8, 2015).

Avirup Bose, A good job; half done, Financial Express, October 14, 2015.

Ashish Bharadwaj, The Truth Behind Shifting Focus on Education in India, Ideas for India, International Growth Centre

& ISI Delhi; and LSE Blog, August, 2015.

Avirup Bose, Encouraging Innovation in India, The Pioneer, August 5, 2015.

Ashish Bharadwaj, India’s IP Regime: Renewed Reform Efforts and Ongoing Challenges, Interview conducted by National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) for U.S. Senate-India Caucus (Washington DC).

Sunita Tripathy, Country report: “Understanding the dynamic role assumed by Online Intermediaries in regulating cyber defamation in India” in University of Washington School of Law-Google Online Intermediary Liability Research Project on BRIC Countries (2015) (Co-authored).

Natasha Nayak, For the Greater Common Good, Hindu Business Line, October 9, 2014.

Innovation Survey

The Innovation Survey

Innovation is essential for the advancement of society as it helps solve social problems and enhances society’s capacity to act. On a macro level, innovation leads to economic growth, increased well-being and communication, educational accessibility and environmental sustainability. Therefore, every country aims to promote innovation by implementing various policy initiatives. In the last few years, even India has come up with multiple policy initiatives to boost innovation such as the Make in India initiative, Start-up India initiative, Innovate India initiative and Digital India initiative. Various state governments have also come up with state startup and state IP policies to facilitate innovation. As a result, India’s ranking on the Global Innovation Index has increased from 81 in 2015 to 52 in 2019. An increase in ranking in the aforementioned index is desirable. However, there is a need for evidence of other forms of innovation to accurately present a holistic picture of innovations in the country. It is to fulfill this gap, that the JIRICO Innovation Survey was introduced. The JIRICO Innovation Survey aims to systematically collect unique and original data from companies, research labs, universities and other organizations in India on enablers of innovation activity; mechanisms to safeguard R&D and innovation expenditure; obstacles to innovation; and drivers for patenting or not patenting the innovation outcomes.

First JIRICO Innovation Survey

The first edition of the JIRICO Survey was administered to experts, including R&D officers, scientists, innovation managers, legal counsels and strategists who have an understanding of the underlying issues and are knowledgeable in the organizational domain wherein they are asked to respond. The findings of the survey helped us minutely understand the different appropriation instruments organizations rely on to protect returns to innovation, and the differences that exist between IP and non-IP instruments. The JIRICO Survey was based on the seminal academic work conducted in the United States and in Europe in the last thirty years, including (but not limited to) work by Mansfield (1986), Levin et al. (1987), Cohen et al. (2000), Arundel et al. (2006), Graham et al. (2009) and Arora et al. (2014).The First Edition of the Innovation survey was conducted in the year 2016-17. The survey was sent to 11654 firms and 5710 R&D organizations registered in DST (Department of Science and Technology of India) database in the time period between 2016 and 2017, focusing only on organizations within the formal industrial sector of India that have R&D facility. The survey was adapted from the 2014 Community Innovation Survey questionnaire that was based on the 2005 Oslo Manual (OECD).The report of the survey was based on 1138 responses, yielding an adjusted response rate of 6.5 per cent. The result of the survey was published as a paper titled “How Does Innovation Occur in India? Evidence from the JIRICO Survey”.

Second JIRICO Innovation Survey

After the success of the First Innovation Survey, we seek to conduct the second edition of the Innovation Survey in the year 2020. The second edition aims to conduct a focused sector specific study by collecting first hand data and assessing the status and perception of innovation in the Information and Communications (ICT) Sector. The findings of the survey will be useful for us by helping us understand the innovation ecosystem in the sector and how the stakeholders perceive the importance of innovation. Also, the study helps us understand the perception of the stakeholders in relation to the existing IPR and policy regime. The findings of the Second JIRICO Survey will address a number of important questions including:

  • How is innovation perceived in the ICT sector in India?      
  • How do ICT firms respond to the existing IPR and policy regime in India?
  • What is the extent to which firms (of different scales and sizes) undertake innovative activity and inventive processes? 
  • What are the obstacles (policy and market-related) faced by firms that do not engage in innovation in the ICT sector?       
  • What motivates firms to undertake risky R&D and innovation activity in the ICT sector?
  • What are the strategies adopted by ICT firms to appropriate returns to innovation investments?    
  • What motivates firms to seek patent protection in the ICT sector?     
  • Is it for defensive purposes (in litigations), to actively assert IP against infringers and rivals, to engage in cross-licensing

arrangements, or to enhance brand value by creating and protecting IP?        

  • What role does stringency and enforceability of IP rights play in India in the ICT sector?

To expedite the process of data collection and fieldwork, JIRICO has engaged Divergent Research and Consulting Private Limited as our research partner for the survey.

Third Innovation Survey

Following the above two surveys, the proposed third survey intends to document the process of evolving public perception, persisting biases, and public policymaking around IP- based tech innovation in India. It also aims to include the impact assessment of Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) and other initiatives by DIPP/DPIIT post National Intellectual Rights Policy 2016.