Jindal Journal of Public Policy

Welcome to the Jindal Journal of Public Policy (JJPP), a prestigious publication dedicated to promoting rigorous research and critical analysis in the field of public policy.

JJPP serves as a platform for academics, policymakers, and practitioners to contribute to the development of evidence-based policies and address pressing societal challenges.

Advancing Policy Discourse

At JJPP, we believe that effective public policies are essential for addressing complex social, economic, and political issues. Our journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that explore a wide range of policy domains, including but not limited to education, healthcare, governance, sustainability, urban development, social welfare, and public administration. Through in-depth analysis and interdisciplinary perspectives, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of policy challenges and contribute to informed policy debates.

Rigorous and Impactful Research: JJPP is committed to publishing high-quality research that meets rigorous academic standards. We encourage authors to employ robust methodologies, engage with relevant theoretical frameworks, and present empirical evidence to support their arguments. By promoting rigorous research, we aim to enhance the credibility and impact of policy scholarship and facilitate evidence-based decision-making.

Interdisciplinary Approach: Public policy issues are multifaceted and require insights from various disciplines. JJPP welcomes contributions that integrate perspectives from fields such as political science, economics, sociology, law, public administration, and environmental studies. By embracing an interdisciplinary approach, we aim to facilitate comprehensive and holistic analyses of policy challenges, promoting a deeper understanding of their complexities and potential solutions.

Policy Relevance and Practical Implications: Recognizing the practical implications of scholarly research, JJPP seeks to bridge the gap between academic inquiry and policy implementation. We encourage authors to consider the real-world implications of their findings and provide actionable recommendations for policymakers and practitioners. By emphasizing policy relevance, we aim to facilitate the translation of research into meaningful policy interventions and foster positive societal change.


Engagement with Policy Communities

JJPP actively seeks engagement and collaboration with policymakers, practitioners, and civil society organizations. We believe that collaboration between academia and policy communities is essential for informed decision-making and effective policy implementation. Through partnerships, dialogues, and knowledge-sharing initiatives, we aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote evidence-informed policies, and contribute to the advancement of public welfare.