The twentieth century saw the global economy industry and per-capita grow rapidly. Unfortunately, it was observed that this growth came at a great expense to the planet resources and to the very existence of many species. In 1972, some MIT scientists predicted an eminent global collapse unless we changed our ways with sufficiently. The way forward would have to be development, development which balances the need of economics, social and environmental growth. Led by this principle, 17 Sustainable Development Goals were arrived at through the collective deliberation of about 193 UN Member Countries in 2015. While some of these goals are aimed at building a prosperous society through a strong industry and infrastructure, others make it mandatory to pursue this road along with social inclusion to remove poverty and hunger. There is a goal that nudges the member states to create strong institutions for justice and peace. While some specific goals protect the environmental health of the planet, and finally, there is a goal that encourages partnerships and collaborations with internal and external stakeholders