
JGBS Brown Bag Series Do Citizens Experience Greater Wellbeing In a Cybersecure Nation Under Regulated Online Environment? A Cross-Country Longitudinal Analysis

Jindal Global Business School

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Languages English
Key Expertise

Growing incidences of cybersecurity breaches and their negative impact on citizen's wellbeing have made cybersecurity a paramount concern for countries globally. Given its socio-technical nature, endowment of online censorship as a means to mitigate cyber threats calls for a longitudinal exploration of the dynamic among national cybersecurity maturity, online content regulation, and national wellbeing. Drawing upon arguments rooted in the socio-technical system approach, the authors examine the relationship between national cybersecurity maturity and national wellbeing, and the moderating role of online content regulation thereon. The study is based on two-way fixed-effects regression, leveraging panel data for 92 countries over a span of ten years. The findings indicate that enhancement in cybersecurity maturity, triggered by the fear of loss of cyber resources enhances national wellbeing. However, online content regulation, instilling anxiety and mistrust in citizens, attenuates the above relationship generally. The post-hoc analysis shows that, in some cases, such regulation exhibits varying influ- ence on the said relationship contingent upon their cybersecurity maturity stage.

Time: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Password: JGU

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Published Date 21-03-2025
Category Events
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