
B.Tech. (Gautam Buddha Technical University)

M.Tech. (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology)

FPM (IIM Lucknow)

Sandeep Singh

Assistant Professor

Email sandeepsingh@jgu.edu.in
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B.Tech. (Gautam Buddha Technical University)

M.Tech. (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology)

FPM (IIM Lucknow)


Sandeep Singh is working as an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Business School, Jindal Global University. He is also a doctoral student in operations management at Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow. His research interests include Supply Chain Modelling, Sustainability, and Empirical Studies in OM, System Dynamics Modelling, and Sustainable Development. He holds B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering from UPTU- Lucknow and M. Tech degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Management from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. He has one-year experience of teaching various Operations Management Courses like, Logistics & Mobility Management, Introduction to Operations Management, Technology Management and Supply Chain Management at both UG and PG level at JGBS-JGU.

Email sandeepsingh@jgu.edu.in
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