
B.Tech. (KIET Ghaziabad)

Ph.D. (IIM Shillong)

Dr. Shubham Kumar

Assistant Professor

Email shubham.kumar@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-7196-4558
Key Expertise Political Economy, Sustainable livelihoods, Indian economy, Inequalities

B.Tech. (KIET Ghaziabad)

Ph.D. (IIM Shillong)


Dr. Shubham Kumar holds a Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong and a B.tech in Electronics and Instrumentation from Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology (KIET) Ghaziabad. His policy interests and research has mainly focused on livelihood and political economy issues pertinent to sustainable development goals in emerging economies. He has previously worked at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) Dehradun.  

He has published in reputed journals including Economic & Political Weekly and Journal of International Development. He also has conference publications and book chapter at national and international level. During his PhD, he worked on one of the projects for XV Finance Commission on State Finances of Meghalaya. His teaching interests include Managerial Economics, Microeconomics and Indian economy. His current research focus on the gender discourse in development, and entrepreneurial ecosystems. 

Understanding Indian economy



Managerial Economics

Global Economics (UpGrad)

Bhattacharjee, B., Kumar, S., Verma, P., & Maiti, M. (2024). Determinants of digitalization in unorganized localized neighborhood retail outlets in India. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 19(3), 1699-1716. (ABDC-B)

Kumar, S., Sengupta, K., Gogoi, B.J. (2023). Does multifaceted livelihood intervention improve well‐being: Reflections on a case study from North‐eastern India, Journal of International Development, 35(8), 2446-2464 (ABDC-B)

Kumar, S., Sengupta, K., Gogoi, B.J. (2023) Development policies and subjective economic well-being: Evidence from India. The Indian Economic Journal, 72(1), 125-140 (ABDC-B)

Yadav, D., Dutta, G., & Kumar, S. (2023). Prioritizing strategies for overcoming barriers to food safety standards implementation using fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS approach, Quality and Quantity Journal, 58(2), 1641-1663 (ABDC-B).

Kumar, S., Sengupta, K. & Gogoi, B.J. (2022). Interventions for sustainable livelihoods: A review of evidence and knowledge gaps, International Journal of Social Economics, 50(4), 556-574 (ABDC-B)

Kumar, S. (2022). Covid-19 crisis: CSR must supplement govt’s grassroots transformation efforts, Policy Circle, April 2022.

Kumar S. & Dhakate, N.N. (2022). A Study of India’s Circular Economy Transition, paper to be presented at the Glogift 21 Conference, IIM Shillong, 21-23 April, Shillong Meghalaya.

Yadav, D., Dutta, G., & Kumar, S. (2021). Food safety standards and firm-level trade effects: A Systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129708 (ABDC-A).

Kumar, S., & Giri, T.K. (2021). The Role of Sustainability and Policy Measures in Export Performance. In (Eds.) Ratna, R.S., Sharma, S.K., Kumar, R., & Dobhal, A., Indian Agriculture under the shadow of WTO and FTAs: Issues and Concerns. Springer Nature, Singapore.

Kumar, S., & Giri, T.K. (2020). Investments for social sustainability in India: An assessment. Economic and Political Weekly, 55(8), 42-48 (ABDC-B)

Kumar, S., Kumar, D., Sengupta, K., & Giri, T.K. (2020). Through convergence and governance: embedding empowerment in community development interventions. Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press, 57(2), 295-318 (ABDC-B).

Kumar, S., Kumar, D., Sengupta, K., & Giri, T.K. (2020). Impact of community-based business model and competitive advantage on exports: Evidence from diamond industry. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 31(2), 276-296. (ABDC-C).

Kumar, S. (2020). Environmental outcome as a risk factor, Deccan Herald, 05 October 2020.

Kumar, S. & Yadav, D. (2020). Dragon Unscathed, the Pioneer, 29 October 2020. (Featured as main op-ed)

Kumar, S., Giri, T.K & Gogoi, B.J. (2019). Determinants of rural livelihood interventions: An ISM-MICMAC approach. Journal of Indian Business Research, 12(3), 343-362. (ABDC-C).

Kumar, D., Kumar, S., Sengupta, K., & Giri, T.K. (2019). Examining the role of policy and cultural determinants on sectoral export competitiveness: Evidence from India. Global Business Review, 23(3), 694-709, (ABDC-C).

Kumar, S., & Giri, T.K. (2017). Industry 4.0: Risks and Opportunities for the Digital India, paper presented at 5th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Lucknow, 14-16 December, Lucknow, UP: The Making of Digital India Management Perspectives.

Kumar, S. & Giri, T.K. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility in India: The Road Ahead, paper presented at International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF), IIT Kharagpur, 07-08 July, Kharagpur, WB.

Kumar, S. (2017). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review on Strategic Framework, paper presented at 6th Annual International Sustainability Conference (SUSCON 2017), IIM Shillong, 02-04 March, Shillong, Meghalaya.
Email shubham.kumar@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-7196-4558
Key Expertise Political Economy, Sustainable livelihoods, Indian economy, Inequalities
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