

MBA (Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh)

FPM (IIM Indore)

Dr. Rihana Shaik

Associate Professor

Email rshaik@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-4796-9877
Key Expertise Psychological Capital, Social Networks, Computer Aided Text Analysis (CATA), Business Groups


MBA (Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh)

FPM (IIM Indore)


Rihana is an Associate Professor of Strategy & General Management at Jindal Global Business School, OP Jindal Global University. She is a Fellow of IIM Indore in the Communications area. Her research focuses on communication, psychological capital, social networks, business groups, and computer-aided text analysis (CATA). She teaches courses in communication to undergraduate and graduate students. 

Business Communication

Verbal Analysis and Communication

Written Analysis and Communication

The paper titled ‘Role of Personality Traits and Psychological Capital in Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study’, has been nominated for the 2019 Carolyn B. Dexter Award, from MED Division. (79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2019).

J[1] Tiwari, S.K., Shaik, R., Vidyarthi, H., Chitre, C., Kommu, R.V., (2024).Business groups and firm-specific characteristics: Influences on entrepreneurial orientation. Management Decision (accepted for publication on 21.09.2024) (‘B’ category in ABDC ranking)

Business Group Affiliation and Firm Performance: The Role of Organizational Psychological Capital, Journal of Business Research (‘A’ category in ABDC) – conditional acceptance received on 16.09.2024

J [2] Shaik, R., Nambudiri, R., & Yadav, M. K. (2021). Mindfully performed organisational routines: reconciling the stability and change duality view. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 30(4), 1019-1038 (‘B’ category in ABDC ranking)

J [3] Nambudiri, R., Shaik, R., & Ghulyani, S. (2020). Student Personality and Academic Achievement: Mediating Role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap). International Journal of Educational Management, 34(4), 767-781. (‘B’ category in ABDC ranking)

J [4] Tiwari, S. K., Sen, S., & Shaik, R. (2016). Internationalization: A study of small firms from emerging markets. The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(6), 355-364 (‘B’ category in ABDC ranking).

J [5] Shaik, R. & Swatantra (2016). A Process Analysis of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao in the light of its Radio Advertisements. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(6), 4059-4075 (‘C’ category in ABDC).
Email rshaik@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-4796-9877
Key Expertise Psychological Capital, Social Networks, Computer Aided Text Analysis (CATA), Business Groups
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