
Bachelor of Planning (SPA New Delhi)

FPM (XLRI Jamshedpur)

Dr. Chitresh Kumar

Associate Professor

Email ckumar@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-7466-8498
Key Expertise OM SCM

Bachelor of Planning (SPA New Delhi)

FPM (XLRI Jamshedpur)


Dr. Chitresh is an Associate Professor, JGBS, Deputy Controller of Examinations, JGU and Associate Dean, JGU (Projects, Grants & Publications). He is an alumnus of XLRI, Jamshedpur and School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. He has previously worked with MNCs like Deloitte- India and Lee Harris Pomeroy Architects PLLC, USA etc. He has worked as a consultant for Ministry of Urban Development of Governments of India and Kenya, Government of States of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal, Multi-lateral Donor Agencies like DFID, World Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. He has experience of working on projects like Kolkata Metro, Regional Rapid Transit System in National Capital Region of Delhi and Design of Waste Management Systems for eight cities of Kenya etc.

One of his case studies was shortlisted for European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) best case studies award – 2018, under the urban transition category. He is currently collaborating with City University, London on Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), provided by Research England. He is also part of the successful team for the award of Jean Monnet Chair (2020-23) by European Union.

His research interests are in the area of urban commuter and freight movement, Operations management and Supply chain modelling, City logistics, Knowledge management, Corporate social responsibility and Barriers to businesses etc.

He also writes on national level policy issues in English newspapers like The Indian Express, The Stateman and Deccan Herald.

At JGU Chitresh teaches subjects like Operations Management, Logistics and Transport Management, Spreadsheet Modelling, Government Advisory and Public Procurement, and Environmental Management etc. He was also involved in Management Development Programmes for employees of Coal India Limited, Officers from the office of the Comptroller Auditor General (CAG) Government of West Bengal, Government of Haryana, Government of Tibet (in Exile), Government of Jharkhand, Tata Steel and Government of Odisha etc.



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Case Study shortlisted by European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) for EFMD – 2017 Best Case Study Competition under ‘Urban Transition Challenges’ category.

Selected among 15 young researchers by European Association of Operations Research Societies with full scholarship for University of Padova Winter School on Methods and Models in Freight Transportation and Logistics (2017-18).

Best Research Track Paper Award (Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society, March, 2019)

Kumar, C. and Ganguly, A. (2020), “Quantification of social cost at product price-level for urban freight: a study of industrial products”, Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (Forthcoming). (Scopus Indexed)

Ganguly, A., Kumar, C., Saxena, G., and Talukdar, A. (2020), “Firms’ reputation for innovation: role of marketing capability, innovation capability, and knowledge sharing”, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (Forthcoming). (ABDC – C) Lohan, A., Ganguly, A., Kumar, C., and Farr, J. V. (2020), “What’s best for my kids? An empirical assessment of primary school selection by parents in urban India”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 14(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.17206/apjrece.2020.14.1.1 (Scopus Indexed)

Ganguly, A., Kumar, C. (2019), “Evaluating supply chain resiliency strategies in Indian pharmaceutical sector: A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) Approach”, International Journal of Analytic Hierarchy Process, 11(2), https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v11i2.620 (Scopus Indexed)

Ganguly, A., Kumar, C., & Chatterjee, D. (2019), “A Decision-making Model for Supplier Selection in Indian Pharmaceutical Organizations”, Journal of Health Management, 21(3), 351-371, https://doi.org/10.1177/0972063419868552 (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar, C., Ganguly, A. (2019), “Theoretical Framework to Analyze Conflict between Marketing and Operations Strategy: A Product Life Cycle Perspective”, 9th IEOM International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar, C. (2019, July 15), “Delimitation should be used to ensure distributive justice”, The Statesman, pp. 9.

Kumar, C. (2019, May 15), “Being a modern teacher”, Deccan Herald, pp. 10.

Kumar, C., Vijayaraghavan, T. A. S., Chakraborty, A. K., & Thompson, R.G. (2018), “Urban freight regulations; How much they cost the consumers?”, Transport Research Procedia, 30, 373-383, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2018.09.040 (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar, C., Ganguly, A. (2018), “Travelling Together but Differently: Comparing Variations in Public Transit User Mode Choice Attributes Across New Delhi and New York”, Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 13(3), 54-73. (Scopus Indexed)

Kumar, C. (2018, November 19), “Climate change in a de-globalising world”, The Statesman, pp. 9.

Kumar, C. (2018, October 15), “Autonomy and Patience: There are no shortcuts to creating world-class universities”, Indian Express, pp. 14.

Kumar, C. (2018, September 14), “Why we must preserve language diversity in the era of cultural homogeneity”, www.qrius.com.

Kumar, C. (2018, August 20), “Working for the working women”, Deccan Herald, pp. 11. Kumar, C. (2018, August 14), “Citizenship on the line”, The Statesman, pp. 16.

Kumar, C. (2018, May 28), “A 70-year-old Dream”, Deccan Herald, pp. 11.

Kumar, C. (2018, March 9), “Tasteful Metaphors, Poor Politics”, Deccan Herald, pp. 11.

Kumar, C. (2018, February 6), “India 2019 – Bereft of Choice”, Deccan Herald, pp. 11.

Kumar, C., Vijayaraghavan, T. A. S., Chakraborty, A. K., & Thompson, R.G. (2017), “Effect of Time Windows Regulations on Product Cost: An Urban Case Study of Carbonated Beverage Delivery”, Annals of Management Science, 5(2), 17-47, DOI – https://doi.org/10.24048/ams5.no2.2017-17

Kumar, C. (2017, October 24), “To Make Cities Smart Build Infrastructure First”, Deccan Herald, pp. 11.

Kumar, C. (2017, September 21), “The Real Gau Raksha”, Deccan Herald, pp. 10.

Kumar, C. (2017, December 14), “Comprehensive Plan Needed to Combat Air Pollution”, The Statesman, pp. 9.

Kumar, C., Thakur, M. (2016), “Prima: Building Infrastructure for Growth”, Ivey Publishing, https://hbr.org/product/prima-building-infrastructure-for-growth/W16589-PDF-ENG

Kumar, C., Mangaraj, B. K., & Vijayaraghavan, T. A. S. (2015), “Mode Choice for Urban Work-based Daily Trips: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process”, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 146, 627-638, http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/UT150511
Email ckumar@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-7466-8498
Key Expertise OM SCM
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