“We find that there is prima facie a breach on the part of the States in complying with the directions of this Court.”: Supreme Court
March 18, 2024 2024-04-18 6:31“We find that there is prima facie a breach on the part of the States in complying with the directions of this Court.”: Supreme Court

“We find that there is prima facie a breach on the part of the States in complying with the directions of this Court.”: Supreme Court
By Praneetha Shivaprasad
A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court held that the states are in breach of complying with the direction of the court as ordered on 20th November 2023. All states were ordered to compile and submit to the Director of the Central Adoption and Research Agency, the annual data pertaining to adoptions under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act for 2021, 2022 and 2023 within each of their respective territories as on 15th January 2024. They were ordered to provide the data by 31st January 2024. The data was to be examined by the court to provide directions for ease of adoption under the Juvenile Justice Act. In its preliminary review of the adoption process, the court made suggestions for the lacunae in the bureaucratic system and asked the states for further data. Presently the court has ordered all the States/Union Territories to furnish data to the Ministry of Women and Child Development on or before 8th April 2024, upon which it will be collated by the Union Government and presented before the bench on 19th April 2024. (W.P. (C) No. 1003 of 2021)
Click here to read/download the order dated 15th March 2024
Click here to read/download the order dated 20th November 2023