“Madhya Pradesh High Court Grants Temporary Bail to BBA Student Accused of Harassment, Imposes Community Service”
May 23, 2024 2024-07-05 14:53“Madhya Pradesh High Court Grants Temporary Bail to BBA Student Accused of Harassment, Imposes Community Service”

“Madhya Pradesh High Court Grants Temporary Bail to BBA Student Accused of Harassment, Imposes Community Service”
By Shazia Siddiqui
The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently granted temporary bail to a first-year BBA student who faced serious allegations of harassment, including continuous harassment via WhatsApp, stalking, and making vulgar calls to a girl. The decision, rendered by Justice Anand Pathak on May 16, underscores the court’s consideration of the gravity of the charges under Section 354(D) of the IPC and Sections 11 and 12 of the POCSO Act.
The court’s decision was framed against a backdrop of acknowledging the seriousness of the accusations leveled against the student. Justice Pathak highlighted the incongruity of such behavior from a student pursuing a BBA degree, particularly one from a seemingly respectable family background aspiring to a managerial career. Despite this acknowledgment, the court also recognized the accused’s status as a student whose academic prospects could be significantly affected by prolonged detention.
In his ruling, Justice Pathak articulated a belief in the potential for personal reform, emphasizing the opportunity for the accused to engage in “course correction” and learn from his mistakes to become a more responsible citizen. The temporary bail, granted for a duration of two months, was contingent upon the accused posting a personal bond of Rs. 50,000 and providing a solvent surety of equal amount, with instructions to surrender before the trial court by July 17, 2024.
A notable condition of the bail was the imposition of community service at the District Hospital in Bhopal, where the accused was required to serve on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This service involved assisting patients in the outpatient department under the supervision of medical personnel. Additionally, the court explicitly prohibited the accused from entering the operation theatre or administering medication to patients, citing safety concerns.
The court’s decision also took into account assurances from the accused and his parents regarding his future conduct. Both parties pledged that the accused would refrain from causing any further embarrassment or harassment to the complainant. These assurances played a pivotal role in the court’s decision to grant temporary bail, reflecting a balanced approach to justice that considered both accountability for alleged misconduct and the potential for rehabilitation.
The ruling underscores the court’s dual role in administering justice and fostering opportunities for personal growth and rehabilitation. By granting temporary bail with stringent conditions, the court aimed to ensure that the accused faced consequences for his actions while providing an avenue for him to reflect, learn, and potentially reform his behavior.
The court scheduled a subsequent hearing on July 22 to monitor compliance with the conditions imposed during the temporary bail period. This indicates a proactive approach by the court to oversee the accused’s adherence to the terms of his release and evaluate his progress towards rehabilitation.
In conclusion, the Madhya Pradesh High Court’s decision reflects a nuanced consideration of the circumstances surrounding the case. It balances the severity of the allegations with the accused’s potential for reform, highlighting the court’s commitment to justice tempered with an opportunity for rehabilitation. This approach not only addresses the immediate legal implications of the case but also seeks to foster positive personal development and social responsibility among those involved.
Case Title: Abhishek Sharma v. The State of Madhya Pradesh
Citation: MCRC No. 17785 of 2024