“Kerala High Court Upholds Individual Autonomy in Habeas Corpus Case Regarding Adult Woman’s Living Arrangements”
June 11, 2024 2024-07-05 16:21“Kerala High Court Upholds Individual Autonomy in Habeas Corpus Case Regarding Adult Woman’s Living Arrangements”

“Kerala High Court Upholds Individual Autonomy in Habeas Corpus Case Regarding Adult Woman’s Living Arrangements”
By Shazia Siddiqui
In a recent case before the Kerala High Court, a habeas corpus petition was filed by a father concerning the alleged illegal detention of his adult daughter, referred to as Ms. X. The petition stemmed from a complex background involving Ms. X’s previous victimization under the POCSO Act. Initially placed under the care of the Child Welfare Committee following the registration of a sexual assault case against a respondent, Ms. X subsequently left her family home. Upon returning with apparent hostility towards her family, she then chose to leave her designated hostel to reside with another individual, Rejina. This prompted the petitioner to allege that Ms. X was being illegally detained by these respondents and was unable to make independent decisions regarding her living arrangements.
During the court proceedings, the Kerala High Court directly engaged with Ms. X to ascertain her situation and intentions. Ms. X communicated that she was residing with Rejina of her own free will. She disclosed experiencing both mental and physical abuse at her family’s residence and emphasized that her decision to live independently was deliberate and autonomous. Her statements indicated that she had not been coerced into her current living situation but had chosen it independently.
The Court’s decision underscored the legal and constitutional rights of individuals upon reaching adulthood. It referenced the Supreme Court’s precedent in Soni Gerry v. Gerry Douglas, emphasizing that upon attaining majority, individuals are entitled to make their own choices without interference from the courts assuming the role of a guardian. The High Court echoed this sentiment, asserting that Ms. X, as an adult, possessed the inherent right to decide where and with whom she wished to reside. It stated unequivocally, “As the petitioner, who is an adult, has expressed her desire to live her life in the manner she chooses, no fetters can be placed on the same.”
In dismissing the petition, the Kerala High Court made poignant observations about the judiciary’s role vis-à-vis personal autonomy. It emphasized that neither the court nor Ms. X’s family could override her personal decisions as long as they were made voluntarily and without external pressure. The judgment highlighted the court’s duty to uphold an individual’s fundamental rights to life and liberty, as enshrined in the Constitution, and cautioned against intervening based on familial sentiments or personal preferences.
This ruling carries significant implications, reaffirming the principles of personal freedom and self-determination for adults. It underscores the importance of safeguarding individual autonomy against unwarranted interference, ensuring that personal liberties are respected in accordance with constitutional guarantees. The High Court’s decision reflects a commitment to upholding the rights of individuals to shape their lives according to their own preferences, free from undue influence or coercion.
The Kerala High Court’s handling of this habeas corpus petition not only addressed the specific legalities of Ms. X’s situation but also set a broader precedent regarding the protection of individual rights in similar cases. It serves as a reminder of the judiciary’s role in upholding constitutional values and ensuring that personal liberties remain inviolable even in contentious familial or legal disputes.
Case Title: XXX v. DGP
Neutral Citation: 2024:KER:37416